Finding time to exercise


I need help, I love Cathe's video's.I get overwhelmed at which ones
to do. I work 7am to 3pm. I get one day off during the week. I work every other weekend. When i get home from work i usually try to take my dog for a walk or take an hour walk for myself. I want more. I want to see definition in my arms & legs. I'm 48 yrs young,going through this menopause thing. It seems like i wake up every morning with a new role of fat. I hate it. I need some advice,so if someone can help i really would be so grateful.I'm new to this forum,i hope i did this right. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. P.S. I do have a few of Cathe's video's. Cathe you are the best! I have the slow Heavy series,powerhour,Imax2,bootcamp,pyramid for the lower,I have one of the step videos, i'm so bad at doing step videos. It looks like so much fun,but i am so clumsy when i try to do it.
Hi Veda,

If you want to learn the step videos, don't let your early experiences stop you. Nobody has more left feet than I do but I learned. I'll never look graceful, but who cares? Also, the more you do something like that, the less awkward it will feel. Your body almost always feels awkward with anything new but adapts amazingly quickly. You'll be surprised how quickly that awkwardness starts to go away.

Sounds like you have some good workouts may want to check out some of the suggested rotations on that forum, but they're pretty complex for the most part. I would strongly recommend you try S&H, only one body part a day, & then at least 1/2 hour cardio of your choice. Or, S&H rotation as it stands, 1 video a day for 3 days of the week, & cardio on the other days.

By the way, there's nothing wrong with walking! Great exercise for you & your dog! (What kind do you have? I love dogs!)

There are many other things you can try with the workouts you have, someone else may suggest something better. Anything is better than nothing, just keep it regular. From your stated goals, you just need to add in some regular weight work and maybe intensify your walks?

Good luck & enjoy!
I just started getting back into the routine. Before I had my daughter (who is now 4) I did Cathe 6 days a week, for 1+ hrs. a day. Finding time is SOOO difficult because, like you, I work 7 am - 4:15 p.m. 4 days a week. I don't want to put my daughter in childcare for any extra time, so the gym is out. Up until now, any time I've tried to get back into the Cathe routine, my daughter would be under my feet or on top of my belly while I tried to do sit-ups. More frustration than it was worth. But now she lets me do it and I think the best one routine to do when you're short on time is Cross Train Express! The footwork is pretty basic too.

I'm only in week 5 of getting back into it, but I've already started seeing some results, and hopefully this time I won't have to stop! Now if I could just keep the CAT from lying on my belly while I'm doing abs!:7
Use your Cathe videos in addition to your walking. When you get back from your walk, do a few exercises from Power Hour. Try for 2 songs per day. It doesn't take very long.
Thank you for the advice!How do you find the rotation for sept.?How many days a week can a person work their legs? I would like to work mine at least three times a week.My thighs are getting so flabby.I keep telling myself i'm going to get into a routine & hopefully i can stick to it.
My Dog is a Shar-Pei,Eskimo mix. He's white & beautifull. He brings me such joy!
Thanks again,
Hi Veda,

I haven't done the rotation this or last month because I've been working a one body part a day rotation & can't give it up yet! I'm in love!

The only reason I mention S&H (since you own it) is because it can really kick-start your routine & get you some quick results. However, any Cathe workout is good! Any suggestions you've had here would be great.

I personally don't like to work my legs more than every other day, or about 3 times a week. However, there is a school of thought that suggests working the legs every day. I've been toying with the idea of doing standing legs one day, floor legs the next, etc. to see what happens.

You're dog sounds great, wish I could meet him! Mine is Diana, Great Dane. (aka couch potato...what do you mean you want me to walk? Why? Can't we think about this?) LOL

Let us know how you're coming along. I have a very strange work schedule myself so fitting it in is not always easy. Thank heavens I don't have to worry about children anymore, mine is "all grown up".

Take care,
I work from 6:30am til 3pm. I live 30 minutes from work, so I'm up at 4:45am to take care of my shower, feeding my dogs, making lunch and getting the husband up and running. I work on my feet all day in the hospital blood bank and then drive home and sometimes make it at 3:30 in spite of traffic. Usually the ride home is 40 minutes. When I get there, I have dogs waiting. And they are set to the back yard which is fenced for an hour. This hour, this one precious hour right when I get home is MY hour. MINE!!! I do my workout here. After that, I shower up, saddle up the dogs in their harnesses and we go walk. Then it's dinner time and hubby comes home and I have the rest of my day.

I guess my point is: make the time. Carve it out, set it aside and make it sacred.

And don't worry about being bad or good on the step... practice a bit and in all honesty, even if you're just doing a basic or a hop knee, you're still moving and getting benefit. Don't fret about being perfect. No one's there to see. Normally, it takes me at least 5-7 go-rounds with a routine before I'm not tripping over my step or falling on my behind.
"I guess my point is: make the time. Carve it out, set it aside and make it sacred". Great statement.

Yup, that's what you gotta do. After awhile it will be a habit...just like brushing your teeth.
"Make the time. Carve it out, set it aside and make it sacred."

You said it perfectly. Sometimes my workouts happen after all the kids are asleep, sometimes I sneak a workout in before the workday begins. If it's a particularly difficult week with respect to work hours and night call, then I shorten the workouts to 30 or 45 minutes. We're so lucky to have all these workouts at our fingertips - no time wasted driving to the gym - no hiring babysitters!
If you have few time I will recomend to you buy the CTX . In the CTX you will find 30 minutes of a intense cardio step.You can work a part of your upper body each day: one day 30 minutes of step and back, the second 30 minutes of step and triceps.....You can use the premixes of IMAX 2( one premix with the 1-5 intervals and the second with the rest)and the premixes of the pyramids too.If you have slow and heavy I recomend to you work the soulders one day, biceps in the following.... You have abs in the PH and bootcamp too. Hope this help.

I work out every morning at 5 am. I work on my feet all day (PE teacher and coach) and I just know that if I put off working out, I will be too tired when I get home. It took awhile for me to adjust, but now I need it at that time of the day. It is my time of the day when I can be all by myself and the world seems more peaceful. I am running when the sun rises, so I see a beautiful scene everyday.

Make your exercise a PRIORITY for you! It is your time. It will take a sacrifice from another area (mine was watching TV a lot at night because now I need to go to bed early) but you really can find a lot of time that is usually wasted. (ie) watching every reality show on tv.

So, make the time to just be with you! It is worth it.


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