Finding time for exercise


<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-99 AT 06:52PM (EST)</font></center>

Cathe, Help!
I'm generally pretty regular about exercise, but lately, I've been working late at the office trying to get some things done for a deadline. I end up staying till after 6:00 (like now ;-() and am too pooped to exercise when I get home. Morning exercise isn't a good solution for me---I'm not a morning person, and by the time I would feel ready to exercise, it would be time to go into the office. Do you have any suggestions for effective 10-minute-break type exercises that I could do throughout the day? (My glutes are turning to mush, along with the rest of me!). ;-(
schedule it in

I workout RIGHT after work or if I know that will be impossible because of obligations like taking children to hockey, skating, etc., I go to bed a bit earlier and get up and do it in the morning. I know if I SCHEDULE and PRIORIZE and just plan to do it, I do it.

Also, you may feel tired after work but just get home, strap on your shoes and workout gear and go DO IT. You will be amazed at how engerized you will feel when you are done. If I have had a stressful day at work, it sure does help to take off the edge.

About the 10 minute exercise stints. You could go for brisk walks on your morning and afternoon coffee breaks or walk stairs etc. Depending on where you work and how close you are to a gym, you could check out a gym or aerobics class on your lunch hour. Basically, if there is a will, there is a way.

Hope this helps and I stepped in because Cathe just had a baby a day ago and I imagine it will be a few more days before she gets to a computer.


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