Finally got me a step!


My DH got me a step for my birthday! I have dying for one for ages. I have never stepped ever in my life. I love it! You guys are right, it is very addicting! I did the Cathe basic step portion of the dvd that came with the step and today my calves are very sore :) Using a step is a totally different world. I found myself tripping some at first (I have it set to 6 inches)but was able to get down the basic stuff on that dvd. I did cardio and weights this morning and I get lost on the turns and some of the other you guys remember when you first started stepping if you had a hard time getting down the choreography?
As far as cardio goes I used to be a big time Taebo'r and moved on to Turbo jam which I picked up fairly easy. I bought KPC with my preorder for the new Cathe's and have been using that for a while now so I have never really done really any complex choreography before (I can't dance either LOL).

But I won't get discouraged! I am very excited to venture into this new chapter of my quest for fitness and will overcome my two left feet. I am just hoping it will get better after I do the workouts a few times.
Congratulations! There is a whole new exciting world of step workouts out there for you! You will love it!

I remember when I first started, it does take a little while to pick the steps up. and I feel that way whenever I try a new instructor for the 1st time.

Oh, Rockerchick, I am so happy for you (Happy Belated B-day BTW)!! Yes, it was a while back, but I sister would laugh at me trying do the moves of Gin Miller and Keli Roberts (I think much easier choreography than Cathe). It got easier every time. I agree with Deanna about new instructors. You are going to have so much fun!!

Oh my..........hope you have a credit card that has a VERY high limit! Your world is now changed forever........You also now need to buy a large bookcase to house all your new DVDs that must be acquired.........oh yes you must now have TOO CUTE workout clothes for when you are pretending you are in a real cathe class.........hmmmmmmmmm what else am I forgetting gang? I know I maxed 2 credit cards when I found Cathe!
I found Cathe back in April and she's all I do now. We just "click". (I wonder if she knows that?). Anyway, I am addicted, too, and buy something about every other week or so. My DH very generously overlooks all the "media mailers" lying around. Anyhow, I started out with basic step and cardio and weights. You'll "get it" quicker than you think, and you'll love it! Congrats!


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