Filming Starts August 28th

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to share with you that we will be filming our four new workouts August 28th. Things are moving along very nicely. The new back drop to the set should arrive shortly. I was so inspired with scenic Hawaii when I was on my vacation a few weeks ago that I chose Hawaii as our backdrop view outside our studio windows.

This is the workout series where we will be bringing in the Daytona casting call winners Amanda and Nancy to join us. Also, all of the usual cast will be able to join me except for Lorraine.

I'll be sharing more details in the upcoming days.

Can't wait to pump, jump and sweat with you!
Yay! You're not wasting any time on this one. You must really be itching to film again!

I'm look forward to pretending I'm in Hawaii while sweating away with the new workouts. :D
WOW!! You guys are cranking on those new workouts! I cannot even imagine what goes into creating soo many different styels of workouts! Truly an art and a science!


This is my first pre-sale and I was able to order today. The series sounds great and as long as I have some good music I'm good to go. The premixes will really help build my way up, so thank you for coming up with that. You all have fun filming, can't wait to get them. :D
The music JAMS!!! :D:D:D

This is my first pre-sale and I was able to order today. The series sounds great and as long as I have some good music I'm good to go. The premixes will really help build my way up, so thank you for coming up with that. You all have fun filming, can't wait to get them. :D
Yippee!!! I'm so EXCITED too!!! :D:D:D AND I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your music, Cathe, and the way you and your musical team stylize it to your choreography, that is a GIFT in and of itself, it always ROCKS!!!:D:D:D THANK YOU!!!
I'm so excited for the new will help get over the sadness when DS goes back to school:( LOVE The Hawaii backdrop....we also went there for my parents 50th a year and a half ago. My profile picture is on the beach in Maui. I tell everyone that I would think it's a backdrop if not for the fact I was standing there myself!!!!!

Good luck on the filming....Kill us!!!!!!!!!
So looking forward to sweating it out with everyone in Hawaii LOL!! I'm looking forward to the new gals joining in on the fun challenges. I will miss Lorraine though. Thanks Cathe for all you and your teams do for all of us. :))
Hawaii backdrops sound wonderful and pumped up music is even better! You spoil us with so frequent of workout releases (with wonderful quality)! Thank you, thank you!
It'll be fun to workout in Hawaii!!! I can't believe we will have these in our mitts the end of October! :eek:
Cathe . . . call me if you need any "background fillers" !

Miss the energy of the Road Trips and having so many "Catheletes" in one space at the same time ! :p

Hope you have a great time filiming - looking forward to the DVD's for sure !;)

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