Fighting the sweet tooth!


I have really bad cravings at night for sweet stuff, like peanut butter and bananas and even those high sugar energy bars. Can you tell me how I can overcome those sweet tooth cravings? Thanks Cathe!
I have this exact same problem. I did the August rotation and although I am very strong and pretty cut I still have that extra 5 pounds because I cannot stop with the night snacking on sweets. Any suggestions???
I gave up sweets last year for lent and found it hard but stuck with it. I ate 1-2 dates or figs instead, was full and didn't crave the sweets so bad. I even lost five pounds in the process. I think I'm going to try it again as I find myself eating those sweets at night.
Thank you all so much for your input! I think I will try the tooth brushing method and see if that works. Actually, I have decided to keep the powerbars and stuff like that out of the house so I don't get tempted. Thanks again ya'll!
I just lost 25lbs, and still crave sweets at night. I know I don't want to fall back into my old habits, cookies and milk, candy etc.

What I do now is make a bag of those new mini-bag 94% fat free popcorn, jolly time makes a good one, and I also have an apple if I am still hungry. Popcorn really is satisfying, try that, it works for me.
How about some fresh strawberries or blueberries with canned whipped cream. The whipped cream isn't too, too bad if you only use a few tablespoons and the berries are good for you. I do this all the time.
The more you try and resist the bigger the urge, you may just need to find a less fattening/sugary alternative.
I buy those single serve containers of suger free jello- and top it with 2 TBSP of fat free cool whip- it totally takes care of it for me (unless it is a chocolate craving and then I just make sure I never have any in the house).

Another thought - Carnation Instant breakfasts are phenomenal, they have strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, so you can make shakes, malts, or just mix with milk. They are SO good, full of protein and fill you up too! Check out their website, they have lots of recipes...:7
Try this, its so good and not bad for you, cures the sweet tooth and the chocolate cravings! Crush 1 reduced fat graham cracker in a bowl, top with a half cup of sugar-free, fat-free jello instant chocolate pudding, top with a scoop of fat-free cool whip, Yummy!!:9 :9 :9
LET ME TELL YOU....I don't think anybody could "outdo" me in a sugar/chocolate eating contest!! Not that I am bragging.... I hate it that I go crazy craving sugar! When my hubby and I go out... I ALWAYS order dessert first... and it has to be the richest chocolate they have! And it doesn't stop there.... I will go home and rade anything sweet... pop tarts/cookies/pouring the caramel syrup on anything I can put it on.....!!!! I am really bad at the ice-cream. ANyway, it is a endless struggle for me, but after five years of trying to find ways to suffice, here's what works for me:

ALways keep a tub of frozen cool-whip on hand... and sugar free maple flavored syrup (these even go good together)!!!
ALSO, I know my body and so I know that one week prior to my period, my appetite sky rockets..... especially for sweets! So, here's some tricks:

1. Buy a lot of sugar free gum
2. Buy a jar of unsweetened cranberry juice (PURE). Take 8 oz. of this bitter concentrated juice and mix with 1 gallon of water. Keep the "cranwater" in the fridge and sip on cranwater all day. Keeping the "bitter" all day.... somehow takes away the craving for sugar, and at night, RIGHT after dinner, I drink a few glasses of cranwater and add fresh lemon squeezed into it. Then, start chewing your gum!
3. ALso, try eating something bitter or salty, like a few pickles when you are wanting something sweet. AND last.... here is a great recipe that you won't feel guilty about.....

1 package of silk (lite) tofu
1/2 Cup Splenda
2 TBSP cocoa poweder

Blend tofu until creamy like cool whip (it takes a few minutes and you have to keep stopping your blender and mixing it a little)

Add remaining ingredients and a little vanilla extract if needed. When done and consistency of fluffy pudding, put in the freezer for 20 minutes or so....... take out and eat... just like chocolate pudding but no fat and high protein!! Hope this helps!
I like some green or white or herbal tea (or some new green tea extracts I got) that are sweetened with Lo Han fruit and stevia, which don't do bad things to your blood sugar levels like some sweeteners (white sugar, for example) or make you crave more sweet foods, like high fructose corn syrup or high fructose corn sweetener (to avoid as much as possible, IMO).

Though p.b (if it's the natural stuff--and not the new "fake" natural Skippy or Jif that has sugar! and palm oil! added to it--just peanuts and salt) and banana doesn't sound too bad. How about, though, p.b. and an apple? It's lower glycemic, has fiber to fill you up, an apple has just about 100 calories, and it can satisfy your craving. And combining protein and fat (p.b.) with carbs helps slow down their release in your system.

Just don't go too heavy on the p.b.!

SOmetimes cravings for something (especially if they're for real food, IMO) are telling you something, like your body needs more calories, or more energy, or more of something! (Cravings for Ding-dongs and Cheetos don't really fit into this, though.;-) )

Are you getting enough calories spread throughout the day?
Are you eating enough healthy (whole grains, veggies) carbohydrates?
Hi there! thank you so much for your input! Yes, I do get plenty of calories, usually between 1700 to 2000 calories a day. Every time I eat bread it's always 100% whole ground wheat. I have veggies with nearly every meal I have. Brocolli, corn on the cob, salad with sliced fresh veggies, etc. I usually eat every 3 and half to four hours, depending on when I start to get hungry. Thank you so much for your consideration and time!

Candice, thank you so much as well! You know, you do the same thing I've been doing, chewing sugar free gum like crazy! T obe honest, it actually works. Let me tell YOU though I can go through about 5 packs of sugar free gum in a day tring to fight my sugar cravings. It works though, and thanks for the recipe, I will definately try it! Thanks for your opinion and help!

Hmm , Candice , I wonder about that bitter counteracts the sweet tooth thing. I noticed awhile back that if I had some grapefruit juice it took away the craving. Especially if it was an 'after you eat dinner' type of craving. Guess it wasn't my imagination! I wonder why bitter takes away sweet craving? Need to get some grapefruit juice and will try that cranberry suggestion. I, too, am finding myself enjoying those zone bars that I bought for emergencies only at night (keep telling myself it's an emergency to get rid of the craving ;-) ) marnie
>Hmm , Candice , I wonder about that bitter counteracts the
>sweet tooth thing. I noticed awhile back that if I had some
>grapefruit juice it took away the craving.

Actually, that might not be all due to bitterness. I recently read something about enzymes in grapefruit helping with weight loss. It's a very foggy recollection, though, because I didn't pay that much attention: I don't eat grapefruits that often.
I just read an article today in FitnessRx that said that many people who are sleep-deprived crave carb-laden foods in the evening.
I know this is true for me! Doesn't matter what I have eaten through out the day.....If I'm tired, I crave!

Thanks to y'all who posted about the "bitter"...I'm gonna try that, because I am severly sleep-deprived lately, and it has become a real test to stay away from stuff at night.


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