Feeling discouraged


I just came back from the 4th chiropractor visit. I haven't been able to do Cathe full force for about 3 weeks. It's KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, she (dr) is saying I have Facet Syndrome in the lumbar area which has caused mild arthritis because the facet joints stayed in a locked position for so long. (I've only been having the back pain for about a month)so nothing told me the facet joints were locked wrong. The treatments ARE helping because in the mornings now, I am pain free. I actually did LIC (lower body circuit) on Tues (wasn't supposed to) and it didn't even really flare up. I cut the grass yesterday and it flared some this morning. Overall, I know it's getting better, but I'm worried that when I do get back to working out, it will just start all over again. The leg pain is pretty much gone though which is a positive. She said bouncing lightly on the stability ball would help the spine.....fun.

Has anyone ever experienced this feeling like you will NEVER get back to working out? I can't stand it! I still do lower body floor work and PUB, but I miss step and cicruits workouts. I know I may always have to modify a little and I really like to do spinning, I just can't afford the equipment right now. I have a Bowflex Treadclimber but discovered it won't fit into my house!

Chill girl!:) Stuff happens! You have the rest of your life to workout, so this minor setback is irritating and frustrating sure, but think how much better you will feel after you heal!

I can say this, because July 10th I go in to get my hip replacement and have gone through knee surgery and recovery. My low back is horrible, i can barely move in the AM due to the hip problem, so believe me, I totally understand what you are going through. Frustrating huh?

After my surgery it will take a full 6 weeks before I can return to "normal" activities. Whatever that means, I am so active right now despite the hip problem, its gonna be hard, but I also understand the healing process and have learned it takes time. So my point is, you are not alone in your angst, just take it one day at a time!:7 Cathe will still be there tomorrow!
I just want to say thanks for answering my posts. You also replied to my "ear" post. It seems like people here are a "family" and I'm always outside looking in. Maybe it's because I haven't been here that long but I always get so many views on my posts but not many responses. That kind of makes me feel like people think what I'm posting is stupid. I'm sure I'm probably analyzing too much and if I look at the other posts, they have TONS of views and only several replies as well usually, but I'm weird like that anyway :)

Good luck with your surgery and thanks for the encouragement!

>I just want to say thanks for answering my posts. You also
>replied to my "ear" post. It seems like people here are a
>"family" and I'm always outside looking in. Maybe it's
>because I haven't been here that long but I always get so many
>views on my posts but not many responses. That kind of makes
>me feel like people think what I'm posting is stupid. I'm
>sure I'm probably analyzing too much and if I look at the
>other posts, they have TONS of views and only several replies
>as well usually, but I'm weird like that anyway :)
>Good luck with your surgery and thanks for the encouragement!

Hi Kim! I've started TONS of threads that have just died or gotten little or no feedback so don't feel bad. I honestly don't think its you, that's just how it goes sometimes. It's probably because there aren't very many people online, or maybe they don't know what to say but are still sympathetic. Personally, I've read LOTS of posts that I've enjoyed or that I found interesting but didn't have anything to say, so I haven't posted. Don't worry too much about it, and good luck with your back. I would suggest that you see someone else (an orthopedic doctor or a PT certified as an orthopedic specialist), if you don't feel you are progressing enough. That's just my .02 cents. Have a great day!:)

I read your posts Kim and I just wanted to say hang in there and be patient (easier said than done I realize).
>>>It seems like people here are a "family" and I'm always outside looking in. Maybe it's because I haven't been here that long but I always get so many views on my posts but not many responses. That kind of makes me feel like people think what I'm posting is stupid. I'm sure I'm probably analyzing too much and if I look at the other posts, they have TONS of views and only several replies as well usually<<<

Awww Kim, don't take it personally girl! I look at lots of posts but have no answer/response to give the poster after reading it. That's all it is. It's not because you aren't part of the group or anything! We ARE a big family and you are included in that! (((hugs)))
I hope your back starts feeling better soon. I think if you do a search here would find alot on this topic. Some people get injured, get pregnant or go away on business and take a break from working out. It is frustrating, but you will get back to it again. If you don't properly heal, you may end up doing something much worse to your already bad situation. My personal experience was being on bed rest with my last pregnancy. I couldn't even sit up, much less work out. I stressed so much about that. I did eventually get out of bed, go back to Cathe and it was all just fine!
I also think on this forum, there are a lot of lurkers, and I think that some people would post a lot more, but are afraid that they aren't smart enough or will take hits for what they have to say (IMHO!). Take care!
Oh boy--I've also read a lot of posts that interested me, that elicited sympathy--but I haven't replied because I wasn't sure what to say, OR--I DID know what to say but didn't have the time for it! I read posts while I eat breakfast, and during this time my two little kids wake up and need my attention!


"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
One post I started currently has 620 views and 10 replies! :) Does that help? ;-)

"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
Kim, hang in there. It will get better eventually but I can so relate with your feelings NOW! I, too, am on the sidelines and so wishing I could step, kickbox & jog. But, I tore my meniscus 2 months ago & even though I am seeing no light at the end of the tunnel YET, I am trying my hardest to stay focused on what I CAN do. Knowing the RT is coming has me even more anxious about what I will be able to do there not to mention the shape I'll be in if this doesn't do an about-face soon. Sooo, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Wishing you a SPEEDY healing. Keep us posted.


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I totally know what you mean about the posting thing. I have felt like that alot, about the whole "clique" thing, but then I realize this might stem from somewhere else. Like that old feeling that I never really "fit in" anywhere! Hello childhood!


But I am not saying that is what you are feeling, but that is how I feel sometimes when your posts get "ignored" or whatever. :) I do thank alot of the ladies for explaining why they may not respond, etc...it makes me feel better too! Take care of that back today Kim!:)

I was laid up with a bad back for about 9 months. Since then I've gotten into the best shape of my life (I turn 40 this year). Don't panic, you'll get back to it. I had to start slow, but as I felt better I did more and it just escalated to the point where I rarely have back problems anymore (I'm very careful about form when lifting, etc. though!).

Hang in there.:)

Susan:7 :7
Thank you so much everyone for all of the replies. I know deep down that lots of people just like to read the posts and maybe aren't sure what to say. I know I've done that many times myself but didn't realize it until now. :)

I broke down and did PLB awhile ago and feel good so far. I didn't feel like it caused any extra strain on my back. Tomorrow will tell the real story though. ;( Thanks again!!
I try not to post unless I really have something to add to the topic, and since I don't know that I can really help you with your back (or your ear), I wouldn't normally respond. But I (and I'm sure lots of others) are certainly sympathetic, even if we don't respond.

So even though I still don't have any useful advice for you, I do hope you're feeling better soon. It may take some time, though. I think I speak for many lurkers when I say that we all wish you a speedy recovery.

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