feel awkward w/pendulums down the board


Does anyone else have a tough time w/these? It's not a high-intensity move, but I feel so awkward and dorky. I've starting skipping across instead, but am not ready to give up just yet.
I love pendulums, but honestly, at first it does feel like you are going to go flying. Just take it easy at first and you'll get them.

The thing that still gets me is those flying angels. I won't do these when anyone else is in the house! LOL

I'm just the opposite, I seldom skip across the board substituting them with pendulums down the board. I really felt the difference with pendulums when I took Cathe's advice in PowerMax and, as she says, 'scoop into it, it gets your body right into the swing.'......I find the scoop gets just the right amount of momentum behind the move, think about drawing your navel in and keeping the move at the hips, let the upper body just come along for the ride:) HTH

Take Care
Hang in there with those pendulums, I teach them in my classes and people need a little time to ajust to them . After a few trys they love them. I loved them the first time Cathe introduced them, but thats me.
The first time I did a walking soldier planks, it was a big disaster but guesse what? I did not give up and I can actually do almost all of them now with not too much of the wipply wopplyies :) Wokd hard! Don't give up ! AFIF Brigitte:)
>The thing that still gets me is those flying angels. I won't
>do these when anyone else is in the house! LOL
I don't do those with the turn because of the torque potential. I keep facing forward. I'd rather work them for height and power than for the turn.

One move I think feels and looks dorky is the "hesitation repeater" or whatever Cathe calls it , when you do one knee up, then stay in the down position bouncing a bit, then do another knee up. I kind of roll my eyes when Cathe says it "looks good"...not my opinion at all!

For the pendulum, give it a bit more time, a it's a move that might take a bit of time to get used to. But if you give it a fair chance and still think it feels dorky, substitute something else, like a shuffle down the board or a squat off the end followed by an over-the-board and a squat off the other end.
Love pendulums! It's been so long I don't recall if I had trouble with them in the beginning. But, like all new moves, it always takes a few tries before you perfect them. Keep trying as they are so fun. I always pump my arms upward when starting them as it really gives you a good spring into them.
Do you have the long step (like Cathe uses)? I used to have a home version (shorter), and I DO feel like the board is going to flip over everytime I do the pendulums...

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