February - Rhea

Okay, I'm totally off schedule. Darn work.

Let's see. Yesterday I ended up with rest day. I think I will do Step jump and pump when I get home and then KPC tomorrow.
Saturday is skiing. Sunday, Power Hour

Monday I might try the second week of the Feb rotation since my HC's won't quite be there yet.

Hi Karen! How was your workout today?


You sound like me, I have four cats, and two dogs, who knows how many fish. I want to add a bunny rabbit to my collection. :D
Did SJ&P yesterday. Was a bit tired during the step routine. But figured it could have been food related since I had eaten much earlier in the day with no snacks.


average HR: 124..wow, is that all?
time:1:28--had it on while putting aways props
In zone: 41

Today, I will see. KPC is on tap. I'll probably go ahead a tackle since tomorrow is skiing, no workout.
KPC stats:

Time: 1:21 (extra time taken to change laundry and chase cat off bed)
kcals: 459
Average HR: 129
In zone: 31 mins
Sat: was supposed to be a ski day....up too late the night before, skipped skiing and went straight to shopping.

Sun: Power Hour I believe is in the schedule?
Hi Rhea!:)

Sorry I haven't been on posting lately. This last week was very busy for me. Next week will be, too, but not quite so, I don't think.

It's really good to see that you're still keeping the exercise going despite work. I know you must be incredibly busy. I'm not sure what all the numbers mean, but I did read them with interest.

A ski day, huh? Sounds so exotic to have that on a schedule.

Anyway, I'm back to my regular workouts this next week -- oh, do you have any of your Hardcore yet? I only ordered four of them, but I'm supposed to have them by the 16th. Am putting them into my rotation, just in case.

Anyway, have a terrific Monday.:7
Karen--I know the busy feeling, I feel guilty when I spend too much time on the forums myself.

I did Power Hour for the first time yesterday. No heart monitor, so no stats, but wow, I'm sore today.

I did order the entire HC last July. They should be here today. (of course, since I'm not at work. :-( )

Well, off to do some taxes.

Have a great work.

Oh, I don't know what's on my workout agenda yet. Got to check the rotation!!
Hi Rhea,

Good morning. Another busy day for me. Sigh...

Thought I'd log on before I do my workout and then hit the shower.

You are so good doing your taxes. I'm putting mine off until my schedule becomes a little less stressful -- I wonder if that will ever happen...

Schedule wise, I didn't do IMAX2 as planned yesterday. Was so busy that I could hardly fit in a workout and so I did a short FIRM with Nancy Tucker -- I think it's called Calorie Killer. It's really a good workout for days when you're afraid you're not going to be able to fit in a workout.:)

Have a terrific day. Hope you get your HardCore today. Mine are due tomorrow.:p
I actually got HC in yesterday at the office. UPS was wrong. Wow, first time for that. Today was going to be a rest day, but I just don't know, I might have to do one of the shorter new ones. We'll see.

Yesterday I did Maximum Intensity Cardio.

Time: 1:17
Ave HR:
kCals: 513

Have to look at monitor and then come back! Don't remember what the other numbers were.
Well, erased the monitor for next workout without looking, oh well.

Last night did the low max workout. It was fun, probably not as a good workout as will be in future because I never get a real good workout the first time when learning. (previewing doesn't help me a bit)

average hr: 123
kcals: 413?
time: 1:17?
in zone: 55 mins.

Not sure what I'm choosing tonight. I'm thinking a strength tape, easy on the cardio today. A bit tired.
Ended up doing High Step Challenge. Probably not best choice since I was tired. Didn't realize how tired until some of the cardios.
Forgot to look at stats. Today will be a rest day.
I need a recap:
Sat: off, supposed to ski, but didn't
Sun: Power Hour
Mon: Maximum Intensity Cardio
Tues: Low Max
Weds: High Step Challenge
Thurs: off...to tired to do anything
Fri: a Core Max section & some cardio of some kind?, plus stretch
Mon: ski day

What a week I'm having. Oh, my goodness, I've hardly been able to think.

Anyway, wanted to let you know that I miss talking to you -- and hopefully, I'll be able to be on the forum more next week.

Oh, today I did Low Max -- oh, my gosh. What a butt kicker. Low Max -- made me think it might be somewhat easier cause it's low impact...duh... Great workout. Simply great.

Gotta run.:p

Have a terrific weekend.
Hi Karen!

Glad to see you here. Sorry you've been so busy. Looks like that's how I'll be for the next couple weeks. But I'm going to squeeze in my workouts (maybe I won't clean house instead?;) )

Just finished IMAX3. Wow. What a workout. Frustrated me a bit on the second combo. But when the workout was done I went back and put it in slow mo.....ahh that's how you do those reverse mambos.. I remember doing them in another HC, but just couldn't get it going today. Oh well.

Stats: (probably not super good since first time)
Average HR: 133
kcals: 434
Total time: 1:11 (including a review of interval 2 step! :7 )
in Zone: 34

Okay, off to relax.
Muscle Max was the choice of the day. It was fun. Triceps are sore. Don't know about the rest of my body, we'll see for tomorrow. ;-)

Hope you aren't working too hard Karen!
Hi Rhea,

What a week last week, and this one doesn't look much better. Good grief! I didn't even have time to check email. But hey, I'm getting a lot done.

It's great to catch up. Love that Low Max. I have yet to do IMAX3 and I also have Muscle Max. Time is a factor, and so we'll see if I have the time to do Muscle Max this week -- probably will do IMAX3 though since it's about 60 minutes.

Got a compliment from my editor on the revisions I sent in. What a thrill. Feel like I've been walking around on Cloud 9 today. ;-)

Have a great workout. Oh, I did my first Cathe stretch today. Loved it. Oh, one more thing. Doesn't Jay and Lorraine look great? Cedie and Rhonda and Brenda also look great, but I was particularly taken with how pretty Jay and Lorraine look.

Have a great one.:7
Karen - I haven't done the stretch dvd yet, but have done Muscle Max! You will love that one, maybe even more than ME?

Glad you got a great compliment from the editor. Compliments are wonderful, especially when they come from "the powers that be".

Let's see stats for Hardcore Extreme #2:

average HR: 144
kcals: 535
zone: 35 minutes
workout time: 1:17?

Well, better get back to work!;-)
Okay, yesterday was Rhythmic Step. Stats: average HR was 136; kcals; 431; zone: 35? and time was about 1:07, if I remember right.

Thinking that today, time permitting, I will try out Kick Max. Tomorrow will probably be a rest day, with skiing.
Hi Rhea!

Just dropping by to say "hi." Am so busy with these courses -- just finished one of the toughest courses I've ever done -- two more and then must settle down to a writing deadline. Whew!

So glad to see your workouts are going great. I love coming here and talking to you -- it's really like a breath of fresh air.

Am planning IMAX 2 today -- I'd do IMAX 3 -- but my time is a little pressed and I think IMAX 2 is shorter.

Have a terrific weekend.:7
Okay, last entry for "feb" since I'm starting the March rotation today. I'm going to attempt rotation three the fat loss one. Yesterday did HC#1, it was fun and not too bad (probably since I ended up take little breaks between for equipment changes;-) )

So today should be I3, plue 1 core max segment.

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