February 2015 Pregnancy/TTC Check-in

Hi Lisa,
Happy Monday! Hope you had a great rest yesterday and are feeling better today.

This morning I did S&H Chest. I'm liking doing just one body part of S&H! And I can add a short cardio later in the day if I have time -- I likely won't today, as I'm tired and don't feel I need it. But that may change! ;)

BTW, I'm thinking I can more easily add a short cardio during DD's naptime if I can do it upstairs near her (she often wakes mid-nap and needs to be rocked back, which is harder if I'm far away in my workout room and have to run across the house). I think S&G is perfect for this and I may try Cardio Supersets next. Travel Fit could be done like this, too, but of course it's not exactly straight cardio. That's OK. Turbo Barre, LI HiiT #1... anything else come to mind? Basically any cardio or toning that can be done with minimal equipment (discs, bands, maybe a light set of DBs -- but no step, no need for tons of DBs, etc.) and without much noise (no plyo).

DD's early waking has really cut into my ability to work out in the morning, so I'm trying to find creative ways to fit it in without waking up insanely early.

Oh, and I listened to the first half of that webinar this morning -- it's targeted to women who are having trouble losing weight postpartum. It's interesting but not really helpful for me now -- I may 'skim' the rest to make sure I'm not missing anything good. And my personal experience was quite different: although I gained significant weight during pregnancy (40 lbs), I lost it fairly quickly and easily after baby arrived without 'dieting' and by just gradually working up to (and eventually beyond) my former fitness level.

Must run, DD's up from her nap -- big hugs to you gals! ;)
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Howdy Roz!

How's your Monday going? Another late check-in for me. It's been a crazy day and my cold has decided to stick around a bit longer. Grrr. Still managed a workout. Today I did Tracey Staehle's Circuit Zone. Haven't done this one in forever. Not my favorite workout but a good overall toning/light weight/light cardio workout and it fit the bill for how I'm feeling today.

Your S&H one body part/day rotation is giving me S&H envy! :cool: I'm going to have to steal this idea. I love that series. You are rocking it. Way to go. I agree that the flexibility it provides is awesome as well--hit one body part and then add cardio if you want (or not). In terms of "quiet" cardio with minimal equipment, what about adding boxing/kickboxing to your list? MMA Boxing and MMA KB are relatively low impact / noise-free and would just require weighted gloves if you desire. There's also the high/low from Step Jump & Pump or MIC (a bit noisier because of the jumping). Or the HiiT segments from Intensity, or some of the HiiT/band/cardio work from CF and TTM. Sorry, totally stream of consciousness....those are what come to mind.

Yeah, it sounded like the webinar was going to be geared more towards postpartum weight loss. My experience after DD was similar to yours. I didn't gain a whole lot--about 25 lbs (but I don't consider your 40 lbs to be a whole lot, either)--and the weight came off pretty much by itself once I was able to get back to a routine of normal eating, working out, etc. Hopefully it will be the same with DD2, but regardless let me know if you find something interesting from the rest of the transcript.

We are truly kindred spirits! Like you, I'm all about holding a real book in my hands. I would much rather smell the book binding and feel the printed pages between my fingers than read off a digital screen. This might be partly because my professional life (when I'm in the workforce) involves mostly reading publications on the computer and drafting documents on the computer. Real books are the best! And, speaking of, I just put a hold on Rebecca at my library (and "chick lit" is definitely a legitimate genre). :) Thank you for the recommendation. I think the other book I'm going to read is The Secret Garden. Haven't read that ever, can you believe it?

Hope you're doing well. Anything exciting happening for you? Talk again tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day with your little darling!


How are you today? Get in a good workout or did you opt for Sleep Max?

Today I did Cathe Live Steptastic from 2/5/15. I can't believe I still haven't done CK 3.0 yet. Crazy, eh? I was just in a step mood today so I went it! :) I think Steptastic is like PRS3--dancey combos, easy to follow, with some light blasts thrown in there. Good stuff, as always.

Nothing else to report. Waves and wishes for a terrific day. Hugs!

Hiya Lisa!
Great job on Steptastic today and Circuit Zone yesterday! I hope you're feeling better today!
I think I'll be copycatting your Steptastic workout soon -- I've had my eye on that one for a while.

Yes, I'm totally loving S&H! I highly recommend 1 body part of S&H/day -- it really is a mentally intense series, so it's great to be able to really go at it for 20-30 mins and then be done. And you're right, this rotations feels really flexible and low-pressure. Today I did S&H back in the morning (for a warm-up I just did some jacks and jabs, then two pull-ups -- woo! :D ). DD woke after the weights so I got to do the planks with a 25-pound toddler leaning on me during planks and helping me move my arms up and down during supermans, narrating, 'Up! Down! Up! Down!' Mommy's little helper! ;) I loooooved the weighted back work. Those slow deadlifts are amazing! The whole series is great for muscle activation.
I was going to skip the cardio today, but then around 4:30pm, I had that when-will-this-day-ever-end feeling, so I popped on Cardio Core Circuit (I'd never done it before) on my laptop and just kinda jumped around the living room with DD. Perhaps it wasn't as intense a workout as if I'd been in super-focus-mode, but it was nice to just play and get some movement and heart pumping in and DD thought it was really fun to dance with mommy! Then I did a 20-min yoga-slash-toddler chase segment for some nice dynamic stretching. I'm actually excited to continue to sort of fit fitness into my day in a day-by-day sorta way! ;) Maybe I'm just taking some pressure of myself to do it "right".

I did listen to the rest of the webinar (mostly -- I did some light skimming). It seemed really specifically geared to postpartum women who are breastfeeding and aren't losing fat easily -- how to create a fat-burning environment, hormonally. So yeah -- your assessment is right on.

Oh, The Secret Garden and Rebecca sound like a fun combo! Let me know how you like them! I haven't read TSG in forever, but I remember loving it. Sounds like a good Lent to me! ;)

Ooh, thanks for the thoughts on quiet low-equipment cardio! I agree that kickbox and boxing are good options. I've never done MMA Kickbox -- may just have to try that one. Though honestly I'm more drawn to the kickboxing w/os with just the gals behind Cathe! (Side note: I'm loving the S&H crew -- Cedie, Jai, Brenda, and Rhonda -- somehow they feel really together in this series.)

OK, mama, that's it for now!

ETA: I forgot to mention, I only did the first three cycles of CCC -- I'm not that ambitious! ;)
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Hi Lisa,
How are ya feeling?
I had another great flexible workout day. S&H Tris, the first ~25 mins of Live LI HiiT Circuit (in two installments) and RWH bonus abs 1. It's crazy, I feel this great weight lifted (no pun intended) in being less OCD about doing all of a workout totally uninterrupted. With heavy lifting, I still feel I want to do all the sets and reps and without tons of extra break time if possible. But one body part a day makes that more feasible.
Oh I added ~10 mins of yoga and stretching in there, too.

Last night was Sleep Axe! Dunno if DD is teething or what, but sleep has gome down the drain. :(
Hope you're getting some zzzzzz's!

Is it... 29 weeks today?
Have a great one with your soon-to-be-big-sister DD!
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Good day, Roz.

I feel less stressed just reading about your flexible exercise schedule these days! ;) Way to go on listening to your body, getting it done, but not stressing about it. I agree that the S&H crew is great. I miss Rhonda, but IIRC she moved to Georgia (or somewhere down South) and her life just got too hectic to participate in filming. You're putting together some terrific workout combos--a little bit of weights, a little bit of cardio, a little bit of yoga. So fun, like those Choose Your Own Adventure books from elementary school (at least those books were popular when I was a kid...hope that doesn't age me too much!). I must say, however, that I would never associate the word "play" with CCC. :eek: Yowza, that's a toughie workout (even 3 cycles of it)!!!

Yep, I'm 29 weeks now. Baby girl is going to be here before we know it. The real question is will my 3 year old finally be potty trained? I've told you she's a challenging (yet brilliant, and I really mean that) child. We've been potty training for 9 months now. I kid you not. She would just rather play than go to the restroom, and then leave the mess for me and my DH to pick up. Ugh. She totally knows how to go to the bathroom, I just don't know how much longer I can keep hauling her to a potty every 30 or 45 mins. Whine/rant over. Sorry to unload!

So sorry you and your DD have been having sleep issues. Lack of sleep is the worst culprit for throwing life, emotions, and energy off balance...at least for me. (((HUGS))) I hope your sweetie is OK. Poor girl. I can't imagine what it must be like to be teething and experiencing all the other literally physical pains of a growing body. I think God gave us all a gift when he made sure that it would happen during our toddler years when we can't remember the pain (of course the parents live through the pain vicariously, but at least the kiddos themselves don't remember). :) Anyway, hoping things get better for you.

Still feeling under the weather myself. Mostly coughing and a bit of soreness in my throat, but working out has made me feel better so I went for it again today. I did KCM's Your Best Body, which alternates upper/lower/core (I obviously modified the core). It was nice to get some movement in but I definitely went lighter today than normal.

Fingers crossed you and your DD can get some sleep tonight! Enjoy the rest of your day! Stay warm!

Hi Lisa,
Oh no, sorry you're still feeling under the weather! Hope you're already on the mend today.

This will be brief because sleep was like... newborn style last night. I just don't know what's going on -- so frustrating! Thanks for your hugs, understanding, and support. :)

I'm sorry to hear about your potty training stresses -- and I imagine you want to get it squared away so you don't have two in diapers! I really hope that your strong-willed young lady finds the pleasure of independence in potty training -- and soon!

OK, enough marginally coherent sentences... today I managed to knock out S&H Legs, going heavier than last time. Love this one-body-part-per-day thing!

I think tomorrow will be a rest day (or yoga if I have time/energy), but if last night's sleep is indicative of a trajectory, I may just be a blob of jello on the floor. I'll pop in if I have my wits about me, which may or may not be the case.

Hugs and potty chairs,
Aw, Roz! I'm so sorry about the lack of sleep and the resulting energy crisis at your house! I know it's easier said than done for us mommies, but please do try to take care of yourself. I'm impressed that you were able to pull through S&H Legs, with even more weight loads than the last time around. You go, girl! ;) Also happy to hear that your new rotation is treating you so well. Still hoping that the stars align and sprinkle baby dust on you when you feel the time is here for that next step. You're so attuned to your body, I just *know* this will happen for you.

I'm finally on the upward swing of this cold. Only mild congestion and random tickles in my throat remain. BTW, this has been an entirely "above the neck" illness. I typically take rest days when I feel like things are getting clogged up in my lungs (a la bronchitis). Just want you to know I'm not nutzo! :) Anyhow, today I did another oldie but goodie...Power Max from Cardio Hits. I used a 6 inch step, as always, and modified some of the hopping and jumping on the step moves that just make me nervous at this point. I don't want to fall on my belly!

Looks like we posted at just about the same time. Glad I got to hear from you today, but no pressure to add the check-in as a stressor to your day if you have another rough one tonight.

Hugs! Hoping your DH comes home soon to give you relief! Wishing you deep sleep and good dreams!

Hi Lisa,
Yay, so glad you're feeling better! Nice work on Power Max -- you never cease to impress me!

Another lousy night's sleep last night. :rolleyes: DH and I are both feeling the pain of this new sleep pattern. I wish I knew what to do!

Today I did a 60 min Udaya segment, but was basically just listening to the audio and kept pausing. So it was more like 60 mins of yoga over 2 hours. But it felt great! My hips have been tight, plus there were some great UB stretches in there.

I'm looking at an old Fitnessfreak rotation that's one body part a day, called I think 'another strength rotation'. I recently bumped it in the rotations forum but can't link you to it now as I'm on my phone during naptime! It looks awesome but I'd approach it with the understanding that I probably wouldn't get to all the weight work, and that's OK. I'd just insert my own cardio if and when I felt like it.

How's potty training?
Any big weekend plans?
Hope you have a great Friday!
Rats! I wonder what is causing the sleep disruption for your little cutie? So sorry you and DH are feeling the exhaustion from it all. I wish I could offer some insight. My DD has never been a good sleeper, so I'm clearly not the person you want to get advice from! :confused:

Yoga sounds perfect for how exhausted you've been feeling. And yes, I actually did see that Fitnessfreak rotation that you bumped. Don't think I'm stalking you, but I typically read what you post on the forums because your comments tend to be so interesting/insightful. So, yes, I saw it. My chest muscles are stinging just thinking about that first or second day of the rotation where you are supposed to combine GS Chest with S&H Chest. Yowza! It does look like a fun rotation, though. One I definitely want to complete someday.

I wanted total body today so I went with one of my Firm DVDs: Tough Tape with Tracie Long. I really really like Tracie Long's style and am hoping to get some of her newer videos next time they are on sale. I feel like she has such a functional approach to fitness, like her moves hit your muscles in unique ways and hit muscles that can often get overlooked.

Potty training is painful. :( My DD did have a few successes this week so I'm clinging to that. I just wish she would be more consistent.

As for the weekend, we have no particular plans. I'll be happy if I get a nap. It's the simple things in life, right? What about you? I'm sure hoping that YOU get some sleep.

Hugs and TGIF!!!

Hi Lisa,
Hope your Saturday is going well and fingers crossed that you get your weekend nap!

Geez, potty training sounds so stressful. I hear this from other mommy friends, too. Glad to hear your DD had some successes this week. I guess you can take heart knowing that she will get the hang of it eventually. :rolleyes: Here's hoping 'eventually' is before DD 2's arrival...

Great job on your Tracie Long workout! I was really tempted by those TL Vols 1&2 that another user posted about elsewhere on the forums. I previewed them, and they look like super fun, efficient workouts. However, I'm trying not to overdo the metabolic these days, so they might have to wait...
Oh, and speaking of posting elsewhere...
Don't think I'm stalking you, but I typically read what you post on the forums because your comments tend to be so interesting/insightful. So, yes, I saw it.
I totally read what you post on the forums. But, I mean, I am stalking you! :p

I did the first day of that Fitnessfreak rotation today (and posted about it on that thread, as well) -- holy moly, Lisa. By the end of GS chest, my muscles were in such a state of complete and utter failure that I could hardly hold 10 lbs straight overhead. Yikes! Those pushups were like eating a whole large pizza as an amuse-bouche before a banquet. They didn't leave much room. ;)

Well, I'm pleased to have been so totally schooled in my workout today, and looking forward to more schooling tomorrow! :D Assuming sleep/life cooperate, that is. There are always so many contingencies in motherhood!
I would say 'hugs' if I could lift my arms that high, but you'll have to settle for a friendly nod and smile today...
I thought you typically ate large pizzas for your small bites/hors d'oeuvre course of the workout meal. ;) I mean, you ARE the lady who casually busts out a few full-on pull-ups before hitting a crazy STS workout. How were you able to lift your arms to wash your hair? How are you even picking up your little pumpkin girl? I thought this first day of the workout looked brutal and, well, you confirmed it! Low fives to you and your tired arms! ;) Proud of you!

Well, Roz, since you put it that way...YES, I guess I stalk you as well. Ha!

You know, every little one is so very very different. I have friends who were able to successfully potty train their children at much earlier ages and in a matter of days. My DD just likes to write her own story and do things her own way. And that's OK because she's amazing in so many many areas of life, so I will accept this particular struggle. Here's hoping that your potty training experience with your DD1 is quite different. :D All that said, today was another good day. My DD just has to be the one to decide what she's going to do and when she's going to do it...and it seems like she's finally coming to the conclusion that using the potty is better than being a baby in diapers (I think that confiscating her princess dress-up outfits every time she has an "accident" has helped, too!...I mean, after 9 months you get desperate as a parent!).

I did get in a workout and then this day flew by, hence the super late check-in. This morning I rocked out Cathe Live Kickboxing + Barre from 9/11/14. An unfortunate date in U.S. history (9/11, that is) but an amazingly fun workout that I can't wait to do again. I think that UB boxing and barre work are going to be staples for me as the final weeks of pregnancy approach. Have I thanked you recently for encouraging me to get Cathe Live? I'm so in love with it!

Well, I'll be MIA for my rest day tomorrow. Since it's March 1 tomorrow, I will go ahead and start the March thread now. More low fives (to give your tired arms a rest!) and wishes for a wonderful rest of your weekend!!!


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