Feb. 08 rotation check in

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Chris, Samantha is adorable. Sounds like she's fitting right in!! Have fun with her!
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Hi everyone!!

Checking in with Step Max today. Haven't done that one in a while and I had a good time with it...

Have a great evening..
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Thanks, Kathy and Joanne!

I know for the longest time I'd feel this sadness when I saw people with dogs. (We had a dog that was like our baby before we started having kids). I've been without a pet for too long.

Samantha is the answer to everything I felt I needed, I swear! I dont know how we got so lucky!

And now I feel that little pang of jealousy reading that you did STEP MAX. I want to do step!!!! LOL!!!

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

I just got it yesterday, and it is perfect! I did have a barbell and weight set b/4 but the barbell was to long and you had to screw on the ends insted of the clamps. I'm so excited because those weight plates I did have fit the walmart weight set so I can go heavier then 55 lbs!!
Just thought I'd share:)
Today is Step Blast plus tough core from Coremax
Cute kitty boingo:)
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

End of the week Check in!

Did S&H: Triceps & Biceps this morning. It went well. I pushed it on the weights, and really struggled during the last sets. Sometimes having to drop the weight, but I got them out!

Another weekend of work. So tomorrow is my "rest" day. And then Monday, I'm thinking of subbing Step Blast, without the step, for Step MAX. Do you think that would be a good sub? Is STep Max a toughie?

Samantha is doing well and settling in. Last night I gave her the run of the house ... and she did super! She slept in the room with my 2 boys, on the top bunk (she likes it up there!), but when they both wandered into my room in the middle of the night, she came shortly afterwards. She was walking around the bed purring SOOOO loud at 3am, she was keeping me awake! LOL! Sweet girl!

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Chris: I miss having a cat. Mine used to sleep with me and cuddle. That was before hubby came along. He is NOT a cat person at all..I think step blast would be a great sub. I didn't think step max was super hard...Enjoy your rest day!!

Checking in with Body max done today..I always feel great that I accomplished that workout. But, It is soooo tough!!

Have a great one!!
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

It's funny, Kathy, my husband is NOT a cat person either. He's a total dog person. It's taken me 10 years to have him give his blessing on getting a cat. i don't know where it came from, but a few weeks ago he said it would be ok. Maybe he realizes what a PIA it was trying to get a dog that would be ok with my 8 year old and his allergies.

So of course, he's now totally in love with Samantha! It's funny to see! I don't think he'd be this accepting and loving to the poodle we were thinking of having to get (hypoallergenic). He's not a "foo foo" little dog person either! LOL!

Hi-5's on getting Body Max done!! That is VERY hard! Between the excellerated cardio that keeps going on and on, and then the weight stuff. I'm always so excited when you get to the upper body work at the end!

Thanks for the advice on substituting Step blast for Step Max...

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Good morning:)
Just finished GS chest and tri's and back, i'm lovin my new barbell:). Was going to do back and legs tomorrow but I'm just doing legs cause I have to get up at 4 am to workout then go to workx(
Have a great day ladies
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with Maximum Intensity Cardio. That wore me out today. Glad tomorrow is a rest day...Other than teaching homeschool PE tomorrow I think do some stretching or abs. But, I need the rest for sure!!

Randi: Glad you are liking your new barbell..

Chris: Glad to hear that Samantha is doing so well...
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Good Morning
Just finished GS legs ball work first then standing work. Have a great day
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Checking in today with the rest day...I decided to try Billy Banks Rock solid abs and I also tried Denise Austin's Yoga Buns. They were both pretty good...
RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Monday Check In!

Yesterday was "rest" day for me. Today, scheduled , was Step Max. I was going to substitute Step Blast (without the step), but timewise and desirability wise, I chose Turbo Jam: Cardio Party 3. It has build ups and one "blast" , so I thought it had to be pretty close to what Step Max/Blast is. And my schedule today was a little different, since my DH had to work last night too (he usually doesn't work Sunday nights).

I slept poorly after work today, had a sinus pressure headache, and the sun was much too bright in my bedroom to let me sleep comfortably. though we left the door open , and our sweet Samantha cat snuggled with us. She's so sweet! ANyhow, I got up, had a cup of coffee and 2 tylenol, and started my Turbo Jam!

got it done, and on to the rest of my day....

Tomorrow I think I will do Body Max without the step. I think it will still bbe a great workout...

kathy... Your abs and yoga sounds interesting!

Randi.. glad to hear you're enjoying your new barbell! Don't you feel like the strongest person lifting that barbell?? Like AHNOLD!

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Good Afternoon ladies!!

Checking in with a sore core from Billy Banks' Rock solid abs..It is a thumbs up if anyone needs another core workout..Today's workout is Gym Style: Chest & Triceps.. I also added Total Body Stretching segment 2..

Chris: Hope that sinus stuff is better today. How was BM without the step??

Checking in with BOdy Max today...

All I can say is HOLY COW! That is a tough workout. And I did it off the step and my heart rate still got up in the 160's!! My monitor said I burned 800 calories! Oh my! I do think this one is tougher than BM2, don't you? The upper body stuff goes SOOO fast!! She flies from one thing to the next..

I'm pooped! But in a good way...

tomorrow is Max Intense Cardio... Am I ready for that?????

what a rotation...!!

I think , even with my continued crap eating on the weekends, I may be seeing someresults... MAYBe! (*yippee*!! *shhhhhh*!!)


Hey, Kathy..we posted at the same time! LOL!!

Thanks for asking... the sinus headache went away with the tylenol and coffee yesterday. I have a physical booked for next month, so I'll ask my doctor if there's anything I can do for sinuses. I feel like I need a flush or something?

Where do you get Billy Banks abs?


Kathy, is the Billy Blanks abs from his Amped series? I did do that once, and it is tough!! Thanks for reminding me about it - I haven't been doing too many abs this rotation and definitely need to!

Chris, wow, 800 calories without the step?? Yes, I agree, the original Body Max is tougher than #2. Your cat sounds like such a sweetie.

Today I subbed Amy's Hi/Lo Dome for MIC. Probably didn't burn as many calories, but I just wasn't up for MIC. It was fun, though. I'm excited to start the last phase of this rotation tomorrow - the last round of GS!!

Have a good day all!

Chris: I have often thought that BM was tough than BM2. I wonder the calorie burn with a step? Awesome 800 calories..I was thinking I might see results too even with my horrible eating. This week is tough!! I borrowed the Billy Blanks from the library. But, I think it is worth a purchase.

Joanne: It said on the case that it was the bootcamp elite series and this one was mission 3: Rock Solid Abs. Haven't tried Amy Bento yet..But, I will.

Checking in with GS Chest and Triceps. How the heck does Cathe do all those presses and flyes with 20lbs??? I started with 15 and was down to 10 by the end and struggled with those. Triceps I used about half her weight. I added on Rockin' Abs from the Taebo Amped series. He does standing ab work and then goes to the floor. Tough stuff. I don't have the bootcamp elite series, but Kathy, you gave me the idea to do the Taebo Abs. Thanks, I think. ;)

How's everyone else doing today?

Good Morning:)
I'm changing the last week rotation due to my work schedule. Yesterday was GS shoulders and bi's and CM tough abs. Today was suppose to be my rest day but Sat. is instead, I have to much going on. Just finished 4DS double cardio premix.
Have a great day ladies

I kind of wish I had found a substitute for MIC. I really dislike Hi/Lo. Actually, I'm quite uncoordinated for it. The freakin arm movements and foot movements...I guess it was ok, for like once every 6 months or so! LOL! Long enough that I remember how much I dislike it!

I also did the Step on the floor. I can't imagine doing the PUSH at the end after doing all that cardio! Jumping with 2 feet onto the step? Like a zillion times! Holy crap! I'm glad I didn't have the step!

My heart rate was up in the 160's most of the time again, so it definitely was a good challenge, even without the step...

600 calories this time! I think yesterday 800 calories was probably not exactly accurate. I didn't check my pulse on the lows as much. But it was pretty close!!

My shoulder and chest is sore from BM yesterday. Chest and Tri's are going to be hard tomorrow me thinks!! But I'm SOOOOO ready for weights. I'm DONE with cardio this week!!!


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