featured dvds


:D hallo everybody,
it would be great to see maximum intensity strenght + body max + power hour on the featured dvds next weeks. I really hope that it would be possible ;). Thank you very much
My copy of Kick Punch and Crunch & Legs & Glutes just cracked. The Body Blast series was my first Cathe purchase.I bought it in 2003. Oh my it has been a journey.:eek:
It's the first time I've broken one of Cathe's DVD's and it's like losing a friend.
I need to get a new copy so if KP & C, L & G hasn't been featured as a special recently, I'd sure love to get a new copy at 30% off.;)
Heck, it's on tomorrow's schedule 'cause I'm doing Cathe's March rotation after having finished 3rd round of STS.
Off to find a sub for L & G for tomorrow.

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