
Hi Everyone,

Just curious as to what everyone's favourite movie is ? Which film can you watch over and over and over and over and over .................again ?
I am finding this hard but I think it has to be Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere :7

many thanks

Sense & Sensibility - the one with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson. Oh boy, I LOVE that movie and could watch it every single day! Malissa
City of Angels with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage. I bawled like a freakin' baby at the end. To love someone that much!!!!
I don't know if this is my favorite movie or not, but just today I rented and watched "A Walk to Remember" which has Mandy Moore in it. What a great movie, and a tear jerker!!
I have so many favorites but one of my faves is I Am Sam. That one is a tear jerker and Sean Penn did a fabulous job. For comedy, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou cracks me up. I've rented that one a couple times then finally taped it from a movie channel to watch over and over. City of Angels is one of my favorites too. Well, anything that Nicolas Cage is in. I'm madly in love with him.

I know it's all the rage now because of the Broadway show and everything, and Bloomingdale's has a department devoted to it, but the original movie Hairspray by John Waters has always been my favorite for watching over and over again. The best music ever!!
The Last of the Mohicans!!!!!!!

Close runners-up, in no particular order:
The Big Red One -- WWII movie, Lee Marvin...awesome movie!
Platoon...Love war movies, and this one rocks!
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Tomb Raider
When Harry Met Sally
The Breakfast Club
Schindler's List

Fun post, Bernard. :)

Mine has to be Star Wars I can still remember going to see it I was 10 years old not a very good reader at that stage. Stars Wars got me reading I love it and all the follow up movies.

Additional favs The Fury - Spencer Tracey, White Heat - Cagney, The Big Sleep Bogart, Ever After and Never Been Kissed.

I could go on for ever.

Terms of Endearment, Field of Dreams, Forrest Gump, Babe, To Sir With Love, Old Yeller, Rudy, Fantasia, It's a Wonderful Life (and just about any other Frank Capra movie), Canterville's Ghost, State Fair (1932 version), and of course, Gone with the Wind.

I'm sure there's more, but I just can't think of them right now because it's too early.
"Aliens" (love Ripley, Vasquez when she's doing pull-ups, and the rest of the Colonial Marines!)

"Toy Story 2"

"The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns" (that gorgeousaurus Oded Fehr with the long hair and that tattoo on his face wouldn't have anything to do with that, would it?)

Annette Q. Aquajock
Remembering that I'm an extremist, I have 2 "favorites" that are clearly at opposite ends of the spectrum:

The Godfather (trilogy)
Irma LaDouce (an oldie w/ Jack Lemmon and Shirley McClain)

Number One favorite: "Enchanted April" -- a film about four British women who rent a villa in Italy just after the first World War. No guns, no violence, nobody dies, no tragedies, no male bashing -- just four women blooming like flowers in sunny Italy. For me, it's like going away for vacation, 'cause I see a piece of me in each woman. I've watched this film at least 7 times this year alone and still love it!

"A Room with a View" -- another quiet film

"The Black Stallion" -- yet another quiet film

"Close Encounters of a Third Kind" -- not so quiet, but very uplifting.

Did you ever see "Some Like it Hot"? Or "The Apartment"? Jack Lemmon was great, wasn't he?
Oh please I have now got to add

The apartment, The Odd Couple and The Honeymooners. Oh and my two all time favourite horror movies Picture of Dorian Grey, The Hound of the Baskervilles with Basil Rathbone.

Can I also add The Importance of Being Earnest 1950 version with Margaret Rutherford much better than the recent remake.My other much watched vid is Secret Laughter of Women, wonderful movie lots of colour.

Steel Magnolias, Stepmom,Gone With the Wind, and Forrest Gump.
There are so many great ones aren't there? I also love all the old musicals with Judy Garland, Doris Day, and Betty Grable.
Thanks Everyone

I love the old musicals too - I love Meet Me In St Louis, and i am surprised no-one has listed White Christmas yet ? Cabaret with Liza Minneli is one of my desert island films, as is Thoroughly Modern Millie !
We saw Cabaret on Broadway in July, and it was fantastic, Jane Leeves played Sally Bowles (Daphne from Frasier).
What about the Griswalds ? National Lampoons European Vacation !
Anyone seen the creepy Brad Pitt/David Duchovny thriller, Kalifornia ? Thats another of my desert island films !

Since I sspend more time watching kids movies with my girls than anything else, I have to recommend the ffollowing because i have seeen them zillions of times and still laugh!

El Dorado (voice talents of Kevin Kline, he's great)
Monsters Inc.
Toy Story 1 and 2

But for adult movies, give me Casablanca, American Beauty, Three Weddings and a Funeral (seen it five times, gosh!), La Historia Oficial (The Official Story, Argentine movie about the desaparecidos, taught this one zillions of times and it still moves me)


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