

Hi guys,
What was everyone's FAVORITE rotations? Which ones did your get best results? Can't wait to hear back!

November 2007 with the 4DS series. I still use the 4DS a lot. Love that series. And I bought it just for the 2 30 minute step routines! :D

I don't own 4DS (I haven't had the money to purchase it yet) Any other rotations you (OR ANYONE ESE) enjoy?
I completed the April '08 rotation and loved it. Very challenging, good results. I was hungrier than I had ever been in my entire life (excluding pregnancy ;-) ). So I figure something had to be working right. Also, I broke through a weight loss plateau.
Good for you, Becca! Maybe I will give that one a shot. I am currently doing the August '05 Bootcamp rotation and MAN it's KILLER! I am trying to line up what I'll be doing once I finish.

June 07 is my favorite after the 4DS. I got great results the first time around, and I am now finshing the last week of this rotation and also got good results. It was about a year inbetween doing the rotaion for the first time, and then the second. I increase the weights each week, and the switch between strength and endurance gives me NICE definition}(
I just finished March 06 Strong Like Bull, and I really noticed muscle gains. Didn't lose any weight, but I love feeling strong like this.
April- The Lower Body Solution looks really good. Sometime I feel like the rotations don't have enough cardio but this one looks like it does for me. I'm still trying to lose about 10 more lbs. so I need to have a bit of cardio on my rotations or I find I don't lose weight.

Keep the suggestions coming girl! Thanks for all the replies!

Doing my last workout on the August '05 Boot Camp rotation tomorrow. I LOVED it! I added extra cardio some of the days. It was great though! I got lots more definition in my arms and stomach and my legs are almost solid! Just gotta lose a small layer of fat and I think my abs will finally really show and my cellulite will really decrease. I'm doing the "Let's Work" rotation starting monday.


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