Favorite weight workout?

I actually love Power hour! No dread factor and I have never seen my legs develop so quickly. How about you all? What is your fav?
Good morning
I am loving "Gym style legs". Believe me they have new definition and look great. Hard work is the best fuel for the body.:)
All of the Gym Styles are my favorite. Although Slow & Heavy comes in a close second. I like heavier lifting better than endurance.

I like most of them (except for S&H legs), and my favorites change all the time. I especially like PLB (even without the ball work, it's a very balanced workout, with just the right choice of exercises), MM and my new favorite, B&G. I also like the weight work on the CTX series. Very effective.
I like the Gym Style's. I feel that these are the new and improved version of Pure Strength which I liked very much. But lately for lower body I've been loving B&G.

However I do like Power Hour, and Legs & Glutes. I like all of Cathe's. Can't go wrong with her workouts.
B&G, Gym Style Series, Pyramids, and MIS for an oldie but goodie. This list is subject to change!
My favourite is Muscle Endurance. I seriously hate weight training but for some reason this one has less dread factor for me (even with all those leg presses.) Power Hour is my next choice.

I'm still saving my pennies for Muscle Max and the Gym Styles, but I really do like Power Hour and MIS. They are both great and sort of compliment each other, so I use them interchangeably. I'm anxiously awaiting January and February so I can buy for myself again without guilt. :7
My current favorite is Muscle Max. I am a little confused as to which muscle workouts are supposed to be lighter weight and more reps vs. heavy as you can with less reps?

Power Hour?
Muscle Endurance?
Gym Styles?
Pure Strength?
Leaner Legs?

I want to make sure I am getting the most out of these workouts when I do them. Mindi
> I am a little confused as
>to which muscle workouts are supposed to be lighteer weight
>and more reps vs heavy as you can with less reps?

Cathe's workouts are mostly endurance, but of them, PH and ME are the most endurance oriented, and S&H is the most strength oriented. The others are all in between the two.

But with any of the workouts, use the heaviest weight you can so that the last 2-3 reps of each set are tough to do.
I love Power Hour too! :D But, there is a dread factor for me on the lunge portion. The first time I did it, that second set of low ends actually made me swear at Cathe. }(

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

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