Favorite Step Moves!


Hi, let's get the ball rolling on our favorite moves. I will keep track of all the requests and send them off to Cathe. If you prefer to E-mail your requests, just click on my E-mail icon and be sure to put "Step Requests" in the subject title. Okay, I'll start:

Power 15's, 7's, 3's (I KNOW, I KNOW, but I LOVE them!)
Up Jack, down jack
Outer thigh leg abductors circling overhead
Triples around the board

Okay,your turn, keeping in mind you can mention some of the same moves I did. The moves with the most votes will win!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Pendulum across the step
Straddle repeaters
Slam its
Mambo down the board (from Low Max)
Power 15's, etc (I love 'em too!)
Repeater up/repeater down
Rhythmic L's
Power L's (from Power Max. Absolutley love getting some height on these!)

Can't stand triples around the board. It always winds up with me tripping around the board!

Hi, I love kickboxing, those kickboxing moves on the step from low max, where you step raise your knee, and then kick. I love any kicking moves, sequential kicks from BC, squad, jump and side kick, I think from low max.
I love outer thighs around the world-
pendulums-they're fun!!
the up and over thing then face in over w/ starburst arms
up & backs
definatley triples around the board
drop squats
3 part repeaters
Oh there's too many. I really like them though.
Power Jig
Richochet w/ claps
Fast-foot repeater

I also love kickboxing moves as well. Love that low max thing where you tap the step and kick side.
power jig
pony up, pony down
tap-hop repeater (as in RS)
power L
360's (as in Power Max or in Step Blast)
tap dance
straddle taps
starburst over
plunge lunge
6-count mambo
insole around the step with hesitation move at third insole
two knees on step, rebound on floor
scoops and reverse scoops
any kickbox move with the step

Reverse mambos are my favorite!!!

i also like:

figure 8s
staddle taps
rock-press reverse hops with ball change
hamstring around the worlds

Pendulum across the step.
The move in IMAX2 where you go over the step in a one-two-three count, and do it 4 times (what's that called?)
The combo in Rythmic Step where you do the two above moves (or something like that) one after the other.
6 count mambo.
Shuffle down the step.
Around-the-world moves (knee-ups, outer thigh lifts, lunges).
"swim" forward and back lunges.

I HATE: ricochets, flying angels, pivots, and any move that takes up too much space, like triples around the board.
Hip flexor repeater
Hamstring repeater (LM) hi and then genie arms
Power anything
Insole hesitation
outer thigh around the world
straddle taps (once I got the hang of it)
kickbox repeater (LM)
v-step, run v-step, slow v-step (love that one, maybe because it's at the end, too!:) )
pony down
mambo off the board

Oh, there are so many I like. I know I'm forgetting some.

I have lots of favorites, but I'll just give you a couple. ;-)

Rhythmic L
Power 15s! I, too, love this.
Power horse
Pegleg Pivot
The move where you knee up, then down, and rebound back.
Sculpt 7 -- need something for recovery!
Mambo cha cha pivot turn

Here's my list:

Over, Face In, Over
Tap Hop Repeater (all time fave)
Straddle Taps
Pendulum across the step
Ricochet with claps
Hip Flexor Repeater

Hi Cathe,

Here are a few of my favorites:
Ricochet(? Spelling)
Power Jig
Fast foot repeater
Power 15's

The quick-change repeater thing that's in Imax2 and Imax3. My absolute favorite move.

Oh...and the cool-downs.
Rythmic L's
Figure 8
Insole hesitation
Running V step
Mambo cha cha pivot turn
Staddle taps
those fun pivot turns in the warm-up for Low Max
slap claps
I could go on forever- I don't think there is a move I don't like!

I like all the step moves that were mentioned except power 15's and power 7's (power 3's I can handle if they're done in little sets --i.e. about 2 sets of power 3's not 5). Bad Debbie for suggesting those! haha.
Gosh, I like (just about) all of the step moves too...looks like all the ones I really like have already been mentioned...I'll be happy with whatever Cathe comes up with and I'm sure I'll be nervous, thinking I'll completely mess up "live" as opposed to stepping in my living room, looking like a complete dork! LOL...But who cares...we're all there to have fun, right?!! :)
Go ahead and name the ones you like please :) Cathe asked us to name our favs so she can pick 10 to do a step routine for the roadtrip. Mama D is trying to compile a list so they can see which moves get the most votes:D Looks like straddle taps are gonna make the cut


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