Favorite season

Marie--definitely let me know. Do you mean Ocean Grove or Ocean City? Ocean Grove is like 10 minutes from where I rent. Ocean City is a little further but we could still hook up!
Spring and Summer, I love that the sun comes up earlier and there is something about those seasons that make it easier to workout. I think there is also something pretty motivating about those months. In the winter you have more clothes on and it's darker earlier and longer. There is just something fresh and new and hopeful about Spring.
Hi, Max:

We stay in Ocean Beach near Seaside... which I think is in the central part of the state.... that would be so COOL to hook up! I will definitely have to get bikini ready, though, lol.

Dana, I started my master's in Bloomsburg but transferred to and finished at Marywood (in Scranton) because they offered some of the coursework online, and that worked out to be much easier for me... but I used to spend lots of time at that little Irish pub in town.... :)

Oh OK, Seaside is less than 30 minutes from me, so a meet is definitely do-able.

Aila said she might take a little vacation to the area too. It'd be great if we could all get together!
Absolutely no doubt, it's summer. Spring here in the Buffalo area doesn't really even start until May. March is sloppy, April is usually rainy. Sometimes it even snows in April and May. I love hot weather, sunshine, the sound of crickets,cicadas, lawnmowers and motorcycles.

But...my favorite day is the first day I hear birds chirping. That's usually in March. And a few weeks later, the "peepers" start in the woods. When the nights are relatively warm, those little froggies are so loud! I love to open the bedroom window and listen to them as I go to sleep.

In the spring, our yard is so wet, we almost always get a pair of mallard ducks taking up residence for a few weeks. They never have babies with them. Actually, one year they stayed long enough for babies and my dog and the neighbor's dog chased them. They didn't catch them, but I don't think they'll be using our yard as a nursery anymore.:(
My favorite season by far has always been spring!!! I get butterflies in my stomach the first few days it's warm out and the birds are chirping! I loved when I was in college and I got to walk around campus on those first few days.... sigh....
Last year was my first year out of school and the only time I had to enjoy those 1st few days was during the walk from my front door to the car and from the car to the building. ;( And by the time i was getting out of work it was dark out....
Finally another person who likes the teen years.. me too... agree the moving out is going to be horrible.

HOWEVER... my daughter is off at college 6 hrs away and we IM several times a day and with the cell phone famly plan talk daily.. so you know it isn't that bad!
That would be so cool if we could all get together!! Now that we have the new camper, I am ready!

Marie- Are you far from The Crossings?? I love that place. We were just up at Shawnee on the Delaware this past fall and went on the Ski lift to see all the fall foliage. It was a lot of fun.


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