Favorite "non-step" workout?


Ok, So I am about 2 months into Cathe's DVD's and this is what I have: Low-Impact Step (love it, but am a bit bored now), Low-Max (a bit too tough, holdig off right now), and Cardio Hits (this is helping me learn more step choreography so that I can move up to Low Max soon).

I would like to add in some non-step cardio, but cannot afford to be buying a ton of DVD's right now. Can you all tell me what your favorite non-step DVD is from Cathe? Maybe I will get an overwhelming response about one DVD and buy that!

Also, for those of you who are really in shape (or getting there!), what else do you do for cardio if you workout at home? Treadmill?

RE: Favorite

I'd have to say that Kick, Punch and Crunch is my favorite non-step workout. I also like Cardio Kicks, but it has less kickboxing and more high/low in it than K,P,C (but it's still a fun and great workout). Also, CK is a bit easier than K,P,C, in my opinion.

Other cardio that I do at home would be the elliptical and the recumbant bike. The elliptical kicks my butt every time. I also take a spinning class at a gym once or twice a week. Spinning is probably the hardest cardio activity I have ever done.

RE: Favorite

another vote for kick punch crunch. or if you don't want to spend much on the dvd you can go for kickmax which is much cheaper but it only has the one workout but does have premixes.


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disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Favorite

Kickmax and Max Intensity Cardio in that order. I don't use Cardio Kicks as it is just too wimpy so don't waste your money on that one. It should be listed as a beginner workout, imho.

Kickmax is a great workout, and keep doing Lowmax, you'll get it the more you do it. I STILL have trouble with that dang reverse mambo on the step and I don't know why?!?!! But that aside it is a great workout too.

Don't be afraid to modify the more advanced workouts when you are first learning them, especially if you're not used to working out at that intensity. Do half of the workout one day and the other half the next day.

I really love all of the hardcores so if I was new to Cathe I would be spending my money on those and modifying where necessary until I was able to do them in their entirety.

KPC is a good workout too and so is Circuit Max.
RE: Favorite

Guess I disagree on the Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max DVD. On Cardio Kicks, there is this great set of arm drills at the end that leaves me soaked in sweat and my arms fried. Plus, you get Circuit Max on the same DVD, and I burn the most calories of all the circuits on this one. The cardio sections of circuit max are 3 on the floor and 3 on the step, so you do get some non-step variety. HTH
RE: Favorite

Oh heck...I forgot that Circuit Max is on the same dvd as Cardio Kicks. Circuit Max is a definite 'Must Have' imho. It is one of my favorites. CK just does nothing for me.
RE: Favorite

Although there have been many complaints about the Hardcores, I love them, and, although I didn't buy them in a bundle, (I should have), I ended up with most of them.

The Gym Styles and Low Max are great workouts, and I also like High Step Challenge.
RE: Favorite

Kick, Punch, Crunch should be at the top of your list. Also, I like High Step Circuit for a change of pace. I haven't attempted the other 2 High Step w/o's yet.

You may want to tack on one Low Max combo at the end of your workout. It took me a little while, but now I love it.

Keep us posted!
RE: Favorite

>Kick, Punch, Crunch should be at the top of your list. Also,
>I like High Step Circuit for a change of pace. I haven't
>attempted the other 2 High Step w/o's yet.
>You may want to tack on one Low Max combo at the end of your
>workout. It took me a little while, but now I love it.
>Keep us posted!

Thanks for the info! I may try that suggestion, as I would like to break into that DVD. My problem is, I get bored easily, so I need to mix it up as much as possible!
RE: Favorite

For non-step cardio I also like KPC, plus you get Legs & Glutes which can burn some calories also even though it is lower-body focused. And the pre-mixes are great.

However....I really like Cardio Kicks, too, and I find it to be not too easy. It all depends on how hard I wanna work that day: with the arm drills, you can really engage those muscles well and burn them, and there are some power hops where you can go deep and fry your legs. But yes, it could be considered easier because it is not real complex, or as intense as some of Cathe's stuff. Circuit Max, as previously stated, does have some step but I don't remember it being real complex. It also has the biggest calorie burn for me as someone else has said. Both Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks take a bit more space than KPC does.

Either way, you really can't go wrong. Most all of my cardio is Cathe, but when weather permits I like to run trails.
RE: Favorite

My favorite non step cardio is KPC followed by Cardio Kicks.

Other than Cathe cardio I run 5 days a week...:)...Carole
RE: Favorite

I vote for Kick Max and KPC. I also really like Boot Camp, it is really fun!

I also run outside for cardio three days a week right now, but will up it when I get my treadmill! :)


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