Favorite Cathe Moments


I have done Slow and Heavy several times now but I still crack up every time I do S&H Chest and Back and during the pec flies she says something like "you're still with us right? you didn't go make popcorn and are just watching are you?" I just love her spontaneous humor!:7
I love when she says, in PS Legs during the inner thigh work, "I am going to choose the over the top version."

That's Cathe in a nutshell.
I can't remember the exact workout, but at one point Cathe says '...All the legs are being worked." When I hear this, I think to myself 'Does Cathe think I'm a spider or something else with more than two legs?' and invariably smile.:)
>I can't remember the exact workout, but at one point Cathe
>says '...All the legs are being worked." When I hear this, I
>think to myself 'Does Cathe think I'm a spider or something
>else with more than two legs?' and invariably smile.:)
>She says it in L&G "glutes are working, inner thighs are working, ALL the legs are working"

The spider analogy is funny.

Susan C.M.
I love when she says during the 8th interval of IMAX "At this point you should pat yourself on the back. Whatever level your doing, you are still here and that's all that matters"

At that point I'm ready to drop and that phrase always makes me smile and keep going to the end.

I think this is in RS or is it Imax 2 where she says I know your tire but jump higher that is when I am really tired so she must know. I also like when she says look at us were pump in S&H chest.
I forget what song it is, but when we're doing the chest portion she says, " I know your singing along with this song!" That made DH laugh, because he was! He wasn't working out though, just passing through the room.
But my absolute favorite moment is during PUB during Biceps and she says, "I think I'm having an outer body experience!". Because I think I had one of those about 5 minutes ago, ha, ha!

I think it's during the abs portion of Leaner Legs when she says "raise your foot just a little - no more than 5 inches" and then she looks down and says "I just peaked down there and my foots going higher than 5 inches, so if your doing that too I guess that's okay. I caught myself cheating, shame on me!"
I have a laugh when doing the bicep curls in PUB and Cathe says she is having an out of body experience. Anyone that has done this tape knows the biceps part is a killer!

Liz N
I can't remember what video it is right off the top of my head, but she says something like "If you don't like these arms, then find an arm substitute." I know what she meant but the way it came out was funny right at that moment-like-hmmm what will I use to substitute my arms? Wings would be nice!
>I can't remember what video it is right off the top of my
>head, but she says something like "If you don't like these
>arms, then find an arm substitute." I know what she meant but
>the way it came out was funny right at that moment-like-hmmm
>what will I use to substitute my arms? Wings would be nice!

"I know you're tired but JUMP HIGHER!"

LOL!! At that point in Imax2 I can barely walk, let alone jump higher!!

Hey Barb - I just saw that - LOL!! I don't always read all the posts before posting. That line in Imax2 cracks me up every time, and she says it exactly when I NEED to laugh during that workout!

Another of my favorites of hers is "It's getting toasty in there!" Because that's exactly what my muscles feel like when I'm really into one of her strength workouts - TOAST!! LOL!!

The butt wiggle in Legs & Glutes, right after the first set of standing leg extensions. Cracks me up every time.


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