favorite cathe cardio tape



I was just wondering what your favorite cardio tape is of Cathe's step or non step?.

I would like to get some more ideas, I have a lot of her step tapes new and old and MIC. What is your favorite. Which do you find to be the most intense, would love to hear from all of you!!, thanks a lot.

Debra:7 :)
Right now since I can't do cardio because of my plantar facsitis, it is cruel punishment to make me list them, LOL!!!:7 I am just jiving with you. I like Kick, Punch and Crunch, Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max. I have her step tapes too but I haven't mastered them yet and with not being able to step for the past 7 weeks I will have to start all over with them I am afraid:( ;( . I find KPC very intense as do I find MIC and Body Max.:)

Hope that helps you some!:)
Huh, that's a hard question. I think I have a lot of favorites. Right now I am really into Kick, Punch and Crunch, and Step, Jump and Pump. But I love all of them really. It just depends on my mood. I think the most intense for me as far as cardio goes would be MIC. That one kills me everytime.

Powermax, Rythmic Step, 10*10*10 from CTX series.

Favourite and intense can be two completely diffferent categories.. Intense is Imax and Bodymax, and they are not favourites to me, just "death marches". Pleasure comes from powerful moves, put together in a geat routine, that translate perfectly a certain piece of music. For me, Powermax is better at this than any other Cathe.

My favorite cardio is Imax 2. Originally I only bought Imax 2 because it came with Cardio & Weights on the dvd. I am so glad it did because now I'm hooked on Cathe's step workouts.
Hmmm... great question! And the Kathy-Cathe Awards go to:

Best Step Tape, Less Than Gasping For Air Intensity -- Tied between Rhythmic Step (took quite a while to master it thru the challenge, but then WHAT FUN!) and Step 'n Intervals from CTX. Close runner up: Step portion of MIC (Talk about fun -- I love that cool-down to "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"!)

Best Step Tape, Killer "When Will This Be Over????" Intensity -- IMAX 2. Hands down. Still kicks my fanny every time. :) Masochist that I apparently am, I love it every time, too.

Best Non-Step Cardio Tape -- Cardio Kicks. The punching drills from CK are one of my all-time favorite segments of any kind, period. (I think I'll grow to love Kick Punch & Crunch too, but I'm still working on mastering it.) Second place: Kickbox from CTX (I consider that one "Cardio Kicks Lite". Maybe more accurate to say "Cardio Kicks, Short Version." It's tough, too.)

Concerning the non-step tapes -- Cathe has several tapes that have hi/lo segments and many of them are wildly popular. I must confess that I really detest hi/lo -- I have tried and tried and tried for cross-training purposes to find some pleasure in hi/lo, but even 10 minutes of it in 10-10-10 from CTX drives me nuts. And my shins and feet and ankles and knees (basically, my whole leg below the thigh) feel horrid afterwards no matter how carefully I warm up. So, for example, I can tell you that no matter how wonderful the rest of it is (and it is wonderful, for sure), Step Jump & Pump won't ever be on my personal awards list. Ditto the hi/lo part of MIC. And 10-10-10. ;-)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Clare! Re: IMAX and BodyMax

You are a hoot, girl. I couldn't agree more about IMAX 1 and BodyMax. When I do either one of these two, I feel deeply respectful of Cathe and Crew and of myself afterwards, and I kinda have that "YES!!!" fist-pumping self-congratulatory thing goin' on. But I can't tell ya that I really enjoy either one wholeheartedly. They feel more like taking my vitamins. :)

It's odd that you brought this up today -- when I worked out earlier today before I saw your post, I started to do BodyMax. I had a long window of time available and hadn't done a total body tape in a while, so it seemed like a logical choice. But about 8 minutes into the warmup I could tell my knees were starting to whine (which happens to me annoyingly near TTOTM), and even worse than that, I just felt generally that I did not have BodyMax in me today at all. I would have had crummy form, physically and mentally. So I stopped the tape and did 40 minutes of glute and interval training on my elliptical, wearing a heart rate monitor and keeping the resistance up so that my heart rate was toward the top of my aerobic zone the whole time. Then I did CTX tris, bis and shoulders as heavy as I could (I did back & chest yesterday). All in all I had a terrific 70 or so minutes and felt great. And I know if I'd made myself finish BodyMax I wouldn't have felt that way.

Funny thing about IMAX 1-- I always have to MAKE myself do it, but I love IMAX 2. And IMAX 2 is still very difficult for me in parts -- plenty of room for me to grow! I know there's been much discussion here of "the twins" and IMAX 1 always seems to get the slight voters' edge as being tougher. But I think IMAX 2 has some of Cathe's all-time hardest anaerobic threshold-kicking intervals. I guess the motivating music (much better than IMAX 1, IMHO) makes a pretty huge difference.

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
My favorites are Imax2, KPC, Circuit Max and Imax 1 in that order. For shorter, not so killer cardios I like the All Step Premix from CW, Step and Intervals, Power Circuit, All Step and the step only portion of StepBlast (before the blasts). I use these shorter ones when I combine cardio with upper body or lower body.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions,

I have a lot that you mentioned but 10-10-10 and power circuit has got my interest now h'mm more cathe tapes yikes LOL, CAN'T EVER HAVE ENOUGH.


DEBRA;) ;-) :D

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