Favorite cardio moves?


What is your guys favorite step move? It doesn't even have to be in Cathe's videos - just curious?

Mine is Cathe's jump swing thingy

And what is your favorite plyo move - again doesn't have to be Cathe's. I'm just curious as to what you guys like and what gets your heart rate up?

Mine is definately the air jacks, do other people do these?
Fave step move would have to be insole hesitations or tap dances - anything with a dance or rhythmic element to it.

As for plyo - Cathe hasn't done these since 2000, but I LOVE plyo heel digs!! I also love sequential power kicks. I love/hate plyo jacks and tuck jumps.

And yes, I do air jacks - cardio segment 1 from Boot Camp is one of my favorites!!
There are plyo heel digs in the hi/lo portion of MIC and in CTX, I'm pretty sure it's the cardio portion of PowerCircuits......they really are fun!}(

Take Care
The high kicks going around the step in LowMax and plunge lunges are tied for my favorite step move.
I love plyo jacks. Tuck jumps and kick jumps get my heart rate up.
For kickboxing I enjoy all of it, especially the combinations so I can't really choose a favorite. One combo I particularly like is jumping jack, kick forward, jumping jack, kick back...it just feels cool.
I love any of the moves in Imax 3!!!!!!!!!!! The plyo-heel digs are in the CTX series-I think in 10-10-10 someone will correct me if I am wrong but it is in the CTX series, and I like them too!!
I like the over-face-in-over. I guess I just like to spin a lot! I also really like the pendulum across. I'm not sure why...I think it reminds me more of playing when I was a kid than working out.;-)
Some of my favorite moves:

1,2,3 over the step sideways 1, 2, 3 (I have no idea what it's called! But it's the over the top sidways move in about the 6th? interval of IMAX2).

Around the worlds (knee ups, adductor lifts, just about anything).

Side lunges off the step.

The "squat off side, pendulum over, squat off side move in Rhythmic step).

Front kicks.

Roundhouse kicks.

For plyos:
Skaters (side-to-side hops onto one leg).

Several of Tony Horton's plyo moves like 'tires.'
I like the reverse mambo. I think it's in Low Max. A little tricky at first, but then a lot of fun to do.
My favorite move is the step sweep pivot turn in LowMax and second favorite is the knee up and triples around the board because it took me so blasted long to get it right, I feel accomplished when I do them!

My favorite plyo move is the terminator. }(
Step Blast has some of my favourites. Combo 1 '2 claps on the corner pony down', combo 2 'knee off the side-kick-360 around', combo 3 'rock press-rebound-comback-shuffle up', they are all so fun and intense, feels like playtime:)

I also love 'heel toe, diagonal over and jack' and the IMAX2 interval with 'rock-2-3'. Stepping is my second favourite cardio activity;-) , I wish I could do it everyday,....step I mean...:+

Take Care
I like the hammer punch lunge w/ front kick & the terminators b/c they make me feel so strong. Also love (or love to hate..ha!) most of the plyo moves b/c how great it works the heart.

ETA doh! Those aren't step moves, but I love 'em...well the plyo stuff is I guess ;)

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

>I didn't know there was such a thing.:p ;(

I hear ya!
If I had to choose, I'd say the very last one of the workout.
To be perfectly honest I love all plyo moves. Sick isn't it. My favorite cardio move is jump kicks. I love a few of the step moves but I pay so much attention on doing the moves I can not remember the names. I will have to write them down.

Mine is the pentulum arcoss the step in POwer Max. It looks so hard the first time you see it, and then when you do it you feel so proud! Plus it's just fun.


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