favorite arm blasting workout?


I need a workout to renew my interest in upper body workouts. something super tough, not so much endurance. any suggestions? could be a premix, or combos from different dvd's? I have almost all cathe and p90X insanity etc.. thanks in advance!
I really like the arms portion of Muscle Endurance. My biceps and triceps BURN after it!!

ETA: oops you said not endurance! I would suggest ChaLean Extreme. The Push phase is GREAT!
I agree, the all upper body premix from 4DS is tough.
Or you could try doing each body part 2 times each on 4DS. Yesterday, I did the chest and back rounds 2 times each. Today, I did shoulder, tricep, and bicep rounds 2 times each. My arms were definitely fried!!
I don't know what it's called but there is a premix in supersets that has you repeat the upper body exercises 3x each. It's KILLER! :D
Do you have MIS?

It's an oldie but goodie and as I recall rep wise it lies between strength and endurance. I like to split it into an upper and lower body workout.

I still can't believe Cathe uses a 35lb (?) barbell through most of it without lowering her load.:eek:

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