Fat Loss


Hi. I just read about Cathe in Muscle & Fitness Hers. I've been working out at the gym for awhile and now I will be working out at home. My goals are to lose bodyfat and sculpt my muscles. Which tapes will allow me to achieve my goals? I'm at the intermediate/advance level and I already have some dumbbells.
Any advice will be well appreciated.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-02 AT 09:51AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-02 AT 09:51 AM (Est)[/font]

Hi. I was wondering what size/weight dumbells you have and if you were planning on doing any cardio at home too such as step, kickbox, floor aerobics?? I think Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength is a great total body strength conditioning workout. Her Power Strength series is also excellent, but you may not be ready to commit to buying 3 tapes at once. Her Slow & Heavy series is great for building strength but needs fairly heavy dumbells and is a mentally intense workout as well, better suited to do in shorter rotation cycles. Any thoughts on purchasing a barbell for home?? Cathe's tapes can be modified to be used with dumbells (most of her strength training tapes use both dumbells and barbells), but a barbell will allow greater variety. On her home page, you can view video clips of each video and at the website www.videofitness.com you can find many reviews and detailed breakdowns of most of Cathe's workouts as well as many others. Ive been working out at home for over 15 years and nobody does strength tapes like Cathe!!

I have 5lb, 10lb, and 20lb dumbbells. I could purchase a barbell and a step. I do have several Tae-bo tapes and I usually walk about 10 miles a week. I will be increasing that to jogging. I read some of the previous comments and Power Hour seems to be the one for fat loss and muscle definition. So, I will probably give Power Hour and Maximum Intensity Strength a try first and then work my way up to the Power Strength. Thanks.
I just did MIS this morning so it's still fresh in my mind. It contains a pretty good mix of both dumbell and barbell exercises. I have two barbells so I dont have to switch plates so often and for upper body I used a barbell loaded with two 5 lb plates and another with two 10 lb plates. As for dumbell work I used dumbells ranging from 5 to 20 lbs. Power Hour is a great tape, but in my opinion is much more fun using a barbell. Cathe uses her step as a weight bench so if you dont have a weight bench that is something to consider.

:) Stacy

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