Fat Loss Check In June 2013

Hola :). I got busy yesterday and never got my workout in so I'm doing Tu/Th/Sat STS this week. Today was first day of meso 2, disk 13. quite possibly the perfect workout for me. 3-4 sets of each exercise with 30 seconds to a minute in between, plenty of time to mark the workout sheet, stretch, drink water. Super easy equipment changes, I really loved it :).

Here's my treat for today (I'll have to dig up the URL for proper attribution). Two bananas, sliced & frozen. 3 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 TBSP heavy cream, 1/2 tsp vanilla. Run frozen bananas through food processor until you have the consistency of ice cream, then add the cream, cocoa and vanilla. keep mixing, when smooth consistency transfer to bowl and put back in the freezer to harden. Makes 2 servings, 175 cal each. I really like this, but I'm a bit of a banana freak.

Hi Diana, big congrats on your improved tri time!!! Your hard work really paid off! How much time down do you have before you're training for the next one? You think spoonfuls of peanut butter is a bad habit? I call it heaven on earth :)

Tina I'm always amazed at your add-on workouts! What cardio are you doing this week? I'm undecided...

Hi everyone else, I hope you're doing well :)
Today was M2D14 legs. I added in the bonus legs from M1D2 and pilates abs. Yesterday was kickboxing and MD's 360. I still have fantastic DOMS from Monday's M2D13 disc.

Sue, that's so funny about your banana recipe. I just made banana bars with cream cheese frosting yesterday. Your recipe sounds a bit healthier. I'm really enjoying Meso 2 also. : )

I think tomorrow will be a rest day or a really short cardio. The weather has been such a bummer. It looks like DD's graduation will have to be inside.
Quick check in. Today was walk/run, I could feel my chest DOMS while running - ouch!

Tina you've got time before you clean up the eats - live it up! I'm really backsliding on the no sugar thing and its messing with my energy levels. Time to quiet my inner brat :)

Hi Diana Candice & Shereta :)
Hi Ladies,

Yesterday was CLB, and I always sweat buckets with this w/o.

My first Aquatic Conditioning class was on Tuesday. The class only has 4 people and we have 2 lanes, we get plenty of individual attention. I can't remember everything that we did, but they provide a planned workout each night. The toughest for me was 3 X 150, we swim 50 fast and then recover with a 100 and repeat 2 more times. Swim sprints...oh my!

I'm off work again today to stay with the girls. They want to go swimming again but we have a lot of fires burning in my state and the smoke is really bad. I'm not sure we should be spending much time outside today.

My WW weigh in was yesterday and I'm down another 1.2 for a total of 6.4 so far. I eat so many fruits and veggies, sometimes I just want something else....you know...not healthy or WW friendly.

Tina-Can you use your cell phone for the GPS when on your bike? It sounds like you might live where the service may be spotty at times. The other thing is the GPS really drains the battery on a phone. Just a suggestion. I would think a GPS is necessary for the long bike rides you do. Sorry the weather is putting a damper on DD's graduation party, booh.

Sue-my next tri isn't until Aug 11th. I'll probably start training for that one around the first of July. Until then I want to hit the weights since that's what gets left out during tri training. Your banana recipe sounds delish!! Meso 2 is my favorite in the STS series too.

Meso 2 D14 legs for me today, tri sets - got the heart rate up a bit. I may not be good for anything more than a walk tomorrow :). my eating continues to suck eggs.

Tina I can't believe you added on after legs - you're my hero :)

Diana are you feeling more confident with swimming as you spend more time practicing? Congrats on the weigh in! You're doing a great job :).

Hi all! The weekend's almost here :)
Good morning ladies, I'm so ready for the weekend! Yesterday was kickboxing and MD 360. I'm so loving this new workout. I'm just flowing with the obsession, let it run its course. My upper abs have never felt this good!

Today is M2D15 and....360.

Sue, my eating is in suckfest form as well. I just need to get through these next three days.

Diana, congrats on your weigh in! Those swimming drills sound tough! Sorry you're dealing with wildfire smoke. I hope the flames aren't anywhere near you!

Hi to everyone! : )
Good morning, I hope you all had a great weekend! It was a whirlwind three days for us. We did manage to squeeze in 86 miles over Sat. and Sun. The rain has finally let up. Friday was M2D15 and I can still feel my biceps today. M2D16 and abs at some point today.

So I'm going to start using MFP again. I'm motivated to reel in the eating and go back to measuring my portions. Funny how they seem to expand when I don't actually use measuring cups and spoons. I need to embrace the empty stomach sensation.
Hi Ladies,

We had a wonderful weekend at my house. I did a 28 mile bike ride on Saturday and did Burn Sets (all UB). Today will be a cardio TBD.

Another Monday off with the girls and they want to go back to the water park. A friend gave us some free passes for today!

My eating has fallen off the WW wagon so to speak. With Father's day and DH's birthday tomorrow....well let's just say I haven't tracked and am sure I'm over my points limit. We are going to dinner tonight with MIL for DH's birthday which is tomorrow. The two desserts he chose (1 for Father's Day and another for his BD) both have cream cheese and I used the full fat kind. Trying to limit my portions though.

Tina-I'm going to have checkout MD360 and see what that's about. I'm always up for new workouts but stick with Cathe for the most part. I have some Amy Bento that I love, but also some Jillian Michaels...that I don't like. I like Jillian on the BL, but do not find her w/o's motivating at all. My Bum gets a bit sore even with the 28 miles. Not sure I would want to do back to back days of riding. Good luck with MFP, I've only heard good things about it!

Sue-sounds like we are all struggling with food right now. It just gets old sometimes, preparing food and only eating certain things. You totally have to be in the right mindset for this to work. I am getting a bit more confident but think swimming will always be the weakest link for me.
Hi ladies! Saturday I finished up M2 week 1, walk/run yesterday and today I did yoga relax for my rest day. I've decided my rest days will include yoga or stretching, my muscles are feeling tight lately. Tomorrow I'll do D16.

My eating has continued to be bad, it seems like I'm hungry all the time and I've abandoned the low sugar focus that I had for a while. I need to get back to that, I felt so much better when I was limiting sugar.

Tina nice to see you back on MFP :) I can't say I'll EVER be embracing the empty stomach sensation!

Diana you're right about being in the right frame of mind, I wish I could turn that on like a switch :) How do WW meetings go when you have to fess up to going over points? I bet it's a lot more uncomfortable in person!

Hi Shereta, Candice & Addie :)
Good morning Ladies! Today was LIC and Bodyfit 360. I was a little sweat during LIC, but during 360 the sweat was pouring off in streams. I can't seem to get enough of this new workout. Feels good to be back to MFP, structure is always a good thing. Looking forwasd to STS legs tomorrow!

: )
Hi ladies! I had a good day today, kept my eating in check. I made quinoa stuffed peppers for lunch. I'm the only one n my house who will eat them so that'll be my lunch for many days. The recipe is on the quinoa package, I'll type it up here if anyone's interested.

Today was M2 D16, chest shoulders triceps. Great workout but I didn't do so well on the standing barbell front press and the side leaning tricep extension on a ball.

Tina I think I've mentioned before that I'm doing xtrain warm ups/stretches instead of the STS ones on upper body days. I'm really enjoying them, especially when there's punching or light weight during the warmup. you have me curious about bodyfit 360, did you do it immediately after LIC? Good job on your MFP logging, you reminded me I have watermelon that needs to be eaten :)

Hi Diana - how was hubby's birthday? Were you successful limiting your portions?

Have a great Wednesday peeps :)
Today will be STS legs and....360. I swear my legs feel different from adding this on. I really want to try Michelle's Peak Fitness system now. I might try it this fall, to shake things up.

Sue, I'd love your recipe for the stuffed peppers. My family will gobble them up. I like your idea of doing the Xtrain warm-up in place of the STS ones, I might try that this morning.

Hello to everyone, have a great day! :)
Hi Ladies,

Monday I did Imax 3 which is one of my all time favorite Cathe's. Lately I've noticed my knees hurt the next day after doing high impact so I'm having to alternate high and low impact workouts.

Yesterday I was short on time so I did Combat Plyo HIIT and this morning was AfterBurn. Tomorrow will probably be STS Total Body if I have time.

Have any of you done Insanity? I love Shaun T and am looking forward to T25 which should be available to order on June 24th. Asylum volume 1 and 2 are also in my collection. What about Cathe's new workouts, anyone preorder? I did, she's definitely my go to gal.

Well I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at my weigh in today. I expected the scale to up much more than .4lbs, less than half a pound.:) Definitely okay with me especially after Father's Day and DH's birthday celebrations!

Sue-glad you are getting back on track with your eating. I'd love the recipe too! Perhaps you just lower your weight a bit on the exercises you're struggling with. I've been eating out far too much since the girls have been here because I'm not making the time to prepare my food. I've used the WW online only tool in the past but wasn't really motivated to track my food, weigh etc. I just do better knowing I have to face the music in public, even though it's private between you and the receptionist.

Tina-I finally took a look at BF 360 on the collage site. Looks like a waist whittler to me! I had a couple of MD videos and sold them for some reason. I think it was after I had foot surgery and couldn't use them. Now I'm kicking myself.

hi ladies! Today was disk 17, legs - I really liked this one (and I don't like leg workouts so much). For some reason my brain was expecting 12 reps so when she stopped the first exercise at 10 reps it felt like a gift. I did no equipment stretch max instead of the extended stretch. My eating has been better but I still need to lower my sugar consumption. I'll type up that quinoa recipe over the weekend.

Tina peak fitness seems to be popular right now, I may have to check it out too.

Diana I'm so happy your weigh in went well! For some reason I imagined WW to be like an AA meeting (at least what I've seen on TV), a bunch of people talking about their food issues. I haven't done insanity, I saw a promo video for T25 and it looks too not-calm so I'll be passing on that too. I did preorder the cathe workouts but I've got plenty to keep me busy so I'm not chomping at the bit for those.

Hello to our MIAs :)
Good morning Ladies! This morning is M2D18 and 360. I have a short bike ride planned with my neighbor this afternoon. It will be the first time on the bike since Sunday. Looking forward to some grueling cycling this weekend. : )

I've already fallen off the MFP wagon. I should have waited until all the homeschooling stresses were done. Evaluation on Wednesday, so I'll start back up then.

Sue, do you have DOMS from D17? I had not even a pinch of soreness after D14, but D17 has whooped my butt. It hurts to sit into a chair still!

Diana, I did preorder the new set. I'm getting excited for updates and photos. I just traded STS TB for MD's Interval Cardio Burn. I might regret that. : /

Hi ladies,

I did a 4.25 mile run this morning. It started out okay but then .....too hot...too thirsty...light headed. I think I was just a bit dehydrated. My headphones wouldn't stay in so I finally took them off and wa-la my speed increased without the music, who knew?:confused: Anyway, glad I did it and it's over. I may try to hit the bodypump class tonight too.

Sue-LOL, yes I would guess WW meeting could be similar to AA.:p There is a weekly topic up for discussion and we share ideas on what works for us. For example, I'm an overeater so following a "feeding schedule" and "portion sizes" is what works for me. They are understanding of weight gain, we have our monthly cycles which almost always result in a gain. Most people don't lose consistently every week, there will always be ups and downs.....just hopefully more downs than ups! Do you count grams of sugar or are you just trying to limit sweets in general? Yay for only 10 reps!!!:D

Tina-Sorry about the MFP fallout...so to speak. IMO, you really have to be in the right mindset. When you're ready, tracking will happen and you will be successful. TBH, it's taken me 7 weeks to lose 6.4 pounds. I gained weight over the TG & Christmas Holidays and couldn't get it off on my own. I'm already a sturdy girl...how do like that term.....and it was really frustrating. One of my SIL's says my family comes from hefty stock. I weighed this morning and am back to my "normal" weight, but I still have 20#'s to get to my goal weight.

Hope everyone has a wonderfule Friday!
Hi ladies :) Yesterday was day 18 for me, back & biceps. I was doing great until the last exercise, concentration curls, and my arms just weren't having it. Actually my right arm (I'm right handed) was fine - my left was not. I tried lowering weight, didn't work. So I skipped because I didn't want to create even more of an imbalance than I have already. I skipped working out today & Friday, will have to remind myself that cardio is important too :)

Tina - yes I've had DOMS for each workout from M2 so far, although not the kind where it's super uncomfortable. I've been adding in a little tart cherry juice here and there, not sure if it makes any difference. Did you get your grueling cycling in this weekend?

Diana - I count sugar grams. Right now MFP has me at 33 grams / day. If I'm strict during the day I can usually have an ounce of chocolate at night and stay within boundaries. That's if I'm actually trying... some days I just don't care which I suppose is why I need this check in :) Do you measure/weigh your food for portion control? I love my kitchen scale for keeping me honest!

Here's that recipe I promised (from the back of an Ancient Harvest quinoa box):

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers (4 servings)

1 cup traditional quinoa
2 cups water
4 large or 6 medium green peppers
1 medium onion, diced
1/2 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced
2 TBSP butter
1 28oz can tomatoes, coursely diced (reserve juice)
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 12oz jar Mexican salsa
2 TBSP dry sherry
10 oz mozzarella cheese, shredded

* preheat oven to 325
* cook quinoa according to package directions
* steam peppers until soft but not limp
* in a large skillet, sauté the onion and mushrooms in butter. Add diced tomatoes (reserve the juice). Add the crushed garlic & Mexican salsa. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
* add the sherry and simmer 10 more minutes
* fold in quinoa
* place peppers in baking dish and fill with quinoa mixture, this will take about half the mixture. Thin remainder with reserved juice and pour around peppers.
* Sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese over peppers & bake in 325 oven for 30-35 minutes.

I use fresh tomatoes instead of canned and diced garlic instead of crushed. I LOVE this dish!!! You could sauté in any heart-healthy oil if you don't do butter.

I'm hoping I do better next week than I did this week on both fronts - nutrition & exercise! Have a great one ladies!!!!
We reversed our riding schedule due to work issues, and rode last night. We cut it short so we could have dinner as a family. Today we were 15 miles into a bike ride and my rear cable broke. This has happened to me on three other rides in the past, but never on an extreme hilly ride. I had to stand up almost the entire ride back, and on two hills, I could hardly crank my pedals around. I think my "grueling" comment cursed me. We did a really long stretch when we returned, but I think my quads will still be sore tomorrow. I just sold my back up bike last week, so Murphy's Law is also in effect. Crossing my fingers that the bike shop isn't too busy.

Sue, thanks for typing out the recipe. I can't wait to try them (minus the mushrooms). I've don't think I've ever had quinoa, this should be interesting. Meso 2 is just speeding by so far. Next disc is a long one.

Diana, nice job on the weight loss. When I get really serious about logging, I can lose pretty quickly. I need a good kick in the pants.

Hi to everyone else. If you get a minute, check in with us. : )
Hi Ladies,

I've been busy this weekend. Saturday was Athletic Training and Sunday was GS BSB and Tabatacise with Core #1! I've racked up a ton of WW activity points, but don't use those to trade for food. I'm using all my weekly points first.

Following WW I reached my goal weight about 8 years ago, before I was 40. I'm 47 and will be 48 in September. Over the years the 20#'s has come back on and I have such a hard time losing. I have an underactive thyroid which compounds this problem. I'm hoping this isn't a plateau weight. I've been working out for years, my issue is definitely with food. We are all here to motivate each other.

Sue-thanks for the recipe, it looks delicious! One of my sons doesn't like quinoa. It tastes like whatever you cook with it.:confused: Biceps are my weakest link and my left arm is definitely weaker than the right. Is tart cherry juice supposed to help with DOM's? Is it an anti-inflammatory food? My husband drinks it too, for gout though. I will measure my food, but don't weigh it. Although I do have a small food scale, I don't really use it.

Tina-Oh my gosh, your ride does sound grueling. Hope you can walk today after all that super tough pedaling you had. Do you know why this cable seems to keep breaking on you? Is it due to the bike design, or just all the crazy miles you ride??? Meso 2 is my favorite in STS.

I'm off to see if T-25 is available to order.:D Then I will do my w/o, GS C&T and for cardio BodyMax2 cardio only premix....then off to the pool with the girls.

Hi ladies! I got my workout in today, M2 D19!!!! Another one that I LOVE :). This is my 2nd time through STS and I don't even remember this workout from first time. I kept my eating in check today, luckily my hunger was manageable.

So sorry to hear about your bike Tina! How are your legs feeling today? Damn that Murphy!!! I hope you're not out of commission too long :). Funny thing about that recipe, after the hot salsa the mushrooms are my favorite part. Quinoa on its own is pretty bland, you really need to doctor it up. Yes, M2 is just zooming, today's long workout breezed right by.

Diana sorry to hear about your thyroid, are you on medication or is it lifestyle-managed? You can definitely get those 20 off, when you do you may still have to use WW points to keep your eating in check. Kids are funny about what they'll eat, I suppose I would have hated quinoa had it been around when I was younger. I used to claim to be allergic to potatoes & fish :). Yes, tart cherry juice is supposed to make DOMS less severe and it's an antioxidant. I hate the way it tastes though so I have to pour a half cup and chug it.

You ladies are rocking the workouts :) I think tomorrow I'll do my Tabatacize premix and try to keep up with you!

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