Fat Loss Check In June 2013

Today I did Michelle Dozois' Interval Cardio Burn for the first time. I poured out buckets of sweat and the fun factor was high. It's part of the original Peakfit system that I traded with someone over at VF. I really want the whole system now. Yesterday was M2D19, and like Sue, I'm really enjoying M2 this time around.

My bike is all fixed and ready to roll again. I can't wait for Friday because it's DH's birthday and I bought him his dream bike. I'm going to hide in the closet and hope that he stumbles upon it. He really hasn't any clue. There was a big criterium race in town tonight, and when we walked by the shop, he peeked in. I though for sure he would have spied it behind the counter. He pointed out every EVO in the race that went by, and I just pretended to be exhausted by all his bike nannering. :D

Diana, I'm afraid to ask, but what is T-25? Is it another system I'll be jonesing for?
Yesterday I did my 20 minute "one easy tabata", today I couldn't motivate, I should have done D20 legs. So that will be tomorrow. Morning hopefully before I come up with some excuse.

Tina what a great birthday present! I hope you're able to keep it secret until Friday. Glad you're back in the saddle in your own bike, hopefully the weather cooperates.

Diana how long before your new workouts arrive? Between that and Cathe's new stuff you won't get bored for quite a while :)

Have a great night :)
Hi Ladies,

Looks like we are all busy since it's been a few days since we've posted. Anyway, I was down .8 at my Wednesday weigh in which made me happy. I earned over 100 activity points and wish that would've shown up on the scale. Oh well, the scale is moving in the right direction so I'll take it.

No w/o to report for Wed or Thursday morning, but I did have swim class Thursday night. We swam a mile :):):)...oh my it was tough but I did it and am so proud. The swim for the triathlon is only a half mile so I know I can do that. I'm even considering doing the swim without a wetsuit this year. We'll have to see how I do in the open water practice swims.

Tina-so glad you got your bike fixed and are back on the road! Were you able to keep DH's gift a surprise??? T25 is the new Shaun T. series available on beachbody.com. The workouts are only 25 minutes, but look pretty grueling and fun.:p

Sue-Everyone needs a rest day now and then. I don't schedule my rest days but just take them as body and work schedule dictates. Sometimes I w/o for 10+ days in a row other times it's more spotty, like every few days ends up being a rest. Tri training starts on Monday for my next triathlon. Not sure how I will fit in the new w/o's in between swimming, biking and running.

Off to get busy on weekend chores...bbl
Hi ladies! I skipped workouts Wed-Fri, then caught up on disks 20 & 21 yesterday. Overdid it and today was only good for a walk. Summer means ice cream to me so I've been losing that battle lately. I have been doing well with portion control, so it's not all bad news. This week I need to figure out a cardio plan.

Tina what are you up to? did hubby love his bike?

Diana congrats on your weight loss! You're doing a great job! great job on the swim! What is the wet suit for?

Waves to everyone else :)

Happy July coming up!!!
Today was a gorgeous 50 mile bike ride on hilly back roads. DH LOVES his new bike, he keeps giggling like a little girl. Saturday was a short bike ride in really foggy/soggy conditions. Friday was M2D21 and STS pilates abs. Thursday was MD Interval Cardio Burn.

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been in a funk after we rec'd the news that a close family member has terminal cancer. Why does it always seem that the nicest and kindest people get hit the hardest by illness?

Homeschooling is finally complete, all necessary paperwork filed with the state, and textbooks stacked neatly away. Now to get the house scrubbed and decluttered over the next few weeks. I can't wait to get started.

Sue, I know the ice cream slippery slope. Once I have that first serving from our local ice cream shop, I'm a gonner. I'm still holding strong. I'm only allowing ice pops in the freezer this summer. I also need to figure a cardio schedule for next week.

Diana, a mile in the pool is awesome. I only know how to doggie paddle, that would take me a few hours to complete. How much time do you think you would save if you don't use a wet suit?

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