If you have read my posts below about "high risk" and pregnancy, this is an update. I had my 2nd blood test today, and my HCG levels are UP! The nurse on Wednesday (not my usual nurse) had said my HCG levels were too low for how pregnant I was supposed to be, and that I could most likely expect miscarriage based on my history of 2 previous miscarriages. I went in today for my 2nd blood test (not expecting ANY good news), and the nurse just called and told me that my levels were just fine, right where they should be!! I was SHOCKED and amazed and so happy I could burst my buttons! She was surprised to hear what the other nurse had told me - that it is not right to tell Moms that they will "likely" miscarry based on a one-time blood sample! So I was just amazed! I've been a bit crampy, which worries me still, but I'm going to hang in there!! I'm sooooo surprised!!! They will do an ultrasound on December 2nd to see how things are going. I'm just crossing fingers and toes and praying that this will be OK.
Thank you so much to you supportive ladies. I'm about as surprised as I have ever been. I just cried and cried on Wednesday, couldn't sleep all night, worried about it - and now it just seems like a 2nd chance.
Thank you so much to you supportive ladies. I'm about as surprised as I have ever been. I just cried and cried on Wednesday, couldn't sleep all night, worried about it - and now it just seems like a 2nd chance.