Love, love, love that sweater from Banana! Great look - I'd bet you could find something similar elsewhere for less. But even for $128 - I love it! Love wrap dresses w/ tall boots, too. I wear that look a lot - it's classic, cool and comfy!
Guilty confession - I've lived in the UK for nearly 4 years now. You know how you become acclimated to certain price points? Like 99 cents, $1.99. $10.99. $99.99? Well, I've become the same way, but in Pounds instead of Dollars! Which is slightly bad because $1.00 Dollar is now worth 1.90Pounds! So I see something - "Gee, it's less than 100Pounds - not bad!" But it's really nearly $200!! Total cognative dissonance. I also tend to go crazy when I'm visiting the States, as my brain tells me "Everything is SO CHEAP! That's only like 5Pounds!) Yeah, 5Pounds here and there adds up. I'll just say that you don't want to run into me on my once a year Target run!}( The credit card is smoking!!