Facial moisturizer suggestions requested

RE: hey, Danielle!

>I went to the Reflect website and had to make myself
>leave...I was amazed with the whole process, especially the
>sensory part - chiffon, satin or velvet! Anyway, I'm thinking
>about going back to purchase something to try it out...my DH
>is gonna shoot me!

Hee-Hee! Isn't it the coolest? I just thought of a couple things that I reeeaaally needed and then had them custom make it for me. You know I wanted to buy everything, but didn't. :p
I also use Purpose SPF 15 - a dermatologist recommended it and it works the best for me. I also have sensitive skin - most of the time I only need to use it once in the morning and my skin varies - sometimes it can be oily - most of the time, dry.

Okay, all those who recommended Nivea, I bought Nivea Visage Creme. Although it comes in a jar, it seems more like a lotion than a creme, which is usually too light for me, but we'll see how it does..... I'll let you know.:)
Please try the olive oil too. Forget the overpriced DGL or DSL or whatever, just get a high quality olive oil, put a couple of drops in the palms of your hands and rub it into moist skin after you wash your face. I guess if makeup is an issue, you might just want to try this at night. It is amazing, and no one can say it has artificial or wacky ingredients.

This is an interesting website. I like the idea of using natural substances for cosmetics, for example sprinkling a bit of cornmeal into my soapy palm for a facial scrub, or using olive oil directly as a body oil/moisturizer or using cornstarch and baking soda as a powder. Etc etc. I thought some other forum members might be interested, and I'm sure there are many other websites out there like this.
Liane~Do you use the olive oil on your body too? I would think the oil would get on things or your clothes??? Just curious.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yes, but only after my shower when my skin is wet. It soaks in. Of course I don't "slather" it on like if I were going to lay out at the beach, less than a teaspoon does my whole body. And then I usually put on my jammies since I always shower in the evening. But if I am going out and am putting on regular clothes, it's not a problem.

I rub it all over my hands and then dab the fronts and backs of my hands on my arms, legs, belly, back, etc, and then rub it in from there. It just takes a moment.

Are you going to try it, Debbbie?

I edited this to change my use of too many "b"s in Debbie, then I realized, she could be like Sooooooooooooooooosan, if that is in fact her real name.

This never fails to amuse me, Aquajock.
Okay, Bobbi and others, I tried Nivea Visage and it has a nice silky feel, and my make-up goes on beautifully, but it is just too thin for me, and my skin dries out again by the middle of the day. I need something that will last until I take my make-up off.

For some reason, Dani, Mario didn't want to give me an assessment by email and wanted me to mail the form in, which I can't be bothered with.

I want my face to feel as good as the rest of my body. I use this body lotion made by Rite Aid called Advanced Skin Care Lotion that is the best! It has lots of petroleum jelly in it and my body stays amazingly soft for 24 hours. Even my little niece commented on how soft my knees were when she sat on my lap. It's ridiculously inexpensive. I'd put the stuff on my face, but I don't think my make-up will glide over it..

Liane, sorry, but if you haven't tried the olive oil with make-up then I'm not going to be the guinea pig. :) Gretzky, the Clinique stuff is also just a lotion. I used it for years before I realized that it wasn't doing the job.

My skin is seriously dry, no combination stuff going on here! I hope Kathy S. sees this post because I think she has the same problem and has discovered some solutions....

I'm still open to suggestion from other dry, flaky people...:)

Thanks Liaaaaane! I may just give it a try. It just sounds "greasy" to me. I would think it would stain your PJ's. My skin is sure telling it's age lately due to too much sun exposure these past 50+ years. Oh, but I LOOOOVE the sun! Thanks for replying back to me.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My daughter is a dermatologist and she has me using MD Forte products. You might like the Replenish Hydrating cream. It seems to absorb well. It is in a jar and when I first put it on I thought it was going to be really greasy. It really helps the little dry areas I get at the corners of my eyes and around my nose. You can order this stuff from SkinStore.com. I am also using their glycolic acid products.
Diane Sue
You could try the olive oil on your skin after your shower, except for on your face, where I am still powerless to offer any advice.
That's right, Liane, as someone who doesn't wear make-up you have no credibility in regard to facial moisturizers }( Girlfriend, you must be very young or very gorgeous!:(
I started using DHC products about 4 months ago, and they're pretty good. They have a product called Olive Virgin Oil that I really like. I'm certain that it's just regular olive oil, but to be sure you can buy it from DHC (expensive, but lasts quite awhile). And I don't think there's any chance of your face drying out later. Makeup really does go wonderfully on it. Any kind. I have used oil-based foundation, water-based foundation, and mineral powder foundation with it. All of it looks good. They also have a product called Velvet Skin Coat that is supposed to make makeup glide on very easily. I have a sample, but haven't tried it yet. I can let you know when I do :)


Hi Nancy I have very dry skin mostly in the winter months. I have been using Lumene products. I've been using their products for a few months now and really like it so far. The one cream that is really thick and smooth is called Energy Cocktail. I really like it so far but I don't think I will need it in the summer as it is for very dry skin. I think you can only get their products at CVS. I even use thier foundation now and it goes on so smooth. You might want to check out their website http://www.lumene.com/eng/.
I am your age, I'll be 47 in August. I'm not gorgeous, I just work in jobs where you don't need to wear makeup, and I am not interested in "looking my best", but rather, looking invisible! It's just one more thing to deal with in the morning-hair, makeup, outfits. I hate all that stuff. I just "jump up, get out of bed, run a comb across my head", to quote the Beatles. I wash my face with water only, put on some Kiss My Face moisturizer with sunscreen, brush my hair, put on khaki pants or jeans, and a T shirt or long-sleeve cotton shirt, plus my fleece in the winter. I drink a cup of tea and have some breakfast, brush my teeth and I'm ready to roll.

Then, after work I work out, take a shower, put on the olive oil and relax!
Wow! You get to wear jeans to work? Sorry I forgot what you do. What was it again? Was it medical related? Sorry I forgot your age too. Now that I've entered into my senile years, it's hard for me to remember people on these forums when they don't have pics. My apologies.
I am a technical writer/software tester, but am currently unemployed. I'm looking to work in an environmental nonprofit now. Either way, the dress code is casual. Even the VP in my last company wore jeans to work. A group of 15 software engineers and such, I was the only woman. Did I want to girly it up and wear make-up and shoes that go click click click. NOOOOOOO! I would have lost all respect.

Fortunately for me, I would happily give up money and perks to avoid business-wear.

Here's what I look like, Nancy, but don't tell anyone.

Liane, I promise not to tell anyone ;-) I totally understand the dress code, as my DH and stepson are both computer geeks and I envy their wardrobes! Who are the folks in the second set of pics? Thanks so much for sharing!!
I had to check and see what I posted there! Two Januaries ago I went to Key Largo for my annual diving trip with my daughter and we took a family friend who has gone diving with us a couple of times before. He is a rare combination of essential qualities: He has the time and money to go diving, and he knows how to dive! So, it's me, Logan and Richard.

Last January I went to the same place but this time with my daughter and her boyfriend. We actually stayed in the exact same efficiency, but this time we stayed in Key Largo and didn't go to Key West. Such a long and boring drive. My father's family is from Key West, so for me it has sentimental value, and it's a lot of fun on its own, but Logan and Taylor didn't want to do it again and neither did I.

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