Facial hair


*sigh* never thought I would ask this but here I go. I have very light upper lip and below the lip facial hair. You can't see it unless you are very close to my face. My DH has said I need to wax but I am scared to. I have always had the hair there and have wanted to get rid of it but scared if I wax it will grow back darker. Can anyone give me any advice on what to do about this? Thanks!
I posted that same question somewhere else, some said use like nair or veet, but I used veet on my legs and had a nasty reaction to it and I ended up looking like I had a skin disease for over a week LOL, BUT someone suggested using that stuff to numb a canker sore or a toothe ache on your skin before waxing to see if that eases the pain, I haven't tried it yet, LOL but I would love to have more imput on that
I am the waxing queen! :p I have waxed every part of my body.....except one.....and I'll let you guess which part that is. :p I think it's the greatest thing. I've been doing this for over 20 years. It will not grow back darker but definitely finer and with less density over time. There's a brand of wax that you buy in a plastic container and you heat it up in the microwave - very convenient! Make sure your face is just washed and do not put any moisturizer on it. You can put some baby powder on the area first and then put the wax on. It takes less than a minute to grab the hair and then you zip it off! In the upper and lower lip area, it really won't hurt. After you do it the first time, you'll know what to expect. In fact, I'll be having a personal waxing party tomorrow. :7 I'm going to a huge outdoor function on Saturday and want to be as "clean" as possible on my face. I still don't understand why we have hair in places that can't be justified, lol. I wish men would experience a waxing, at least once, especially under the arms! }(

>What about trying one of those tiny battery operated facial

Yes, this is what I recommend (and use). Those little "facial trimmers" don't require you to let the hair grow out some (like waxxiing would), don't require you to put chemicals on your face that might cause a reaction, and are fast and easy: just run them over the area every few days, and you'll never have a hair problem. Emjoi is the best I've tried so far, but I'm not sure they make them anymore (other brands can be found in Walgreens or Walmart or Osco).
Hi Rosie,

I have the same issue as you. I have my upper lip, lower lip and chin waxed everytime I get my haircut. I've tried doing it myself and it is just so much easier to have my stlyist wax it. Oh-and she does a much better job. It does hurt a little, but well worth it in my opionion.

I am a self facial waxing weenie:p Years ago, I had a wax job go bad and lost the skin off of the divot on the upper lipx( Since then the tweezers are my bestest friend. I swear by sitting next to a well lit window and plucking.....it works for me. I ask my Kids every week or so 'How's my moustache' and the answer is invariabley, 'What moustache.' I work at a spa and a few times I've snuck in had my facial hair waxed at day's end. They do a great job but I'm usually running on a pretty tight schedule so the tweezers work for me!

Take Care
You will look like a man.
Wax it...
I know it hurts , but only for a minute .(Well the my lip is numb for a couple hours) Oh , just do it.
I do it myself and run around screaming for a minute and do the other side.
I get over it...
Put some benzocal or calimine lotion on after so you don't get zits.

I shave. There is no way I would ever let the hair grow in long enough to wax it. x( x( x( x( x(
How do you wind up looking like a man?
Wax on - wax off!! It's hardly painful either - a split second like taking off a bandage. No biggie.
Another alternative, depending upon where you live, is threading. It's easier to find in larger cities, but it's another effective, inexpensive option. I will say I find waxing less painful, however, but both are perfectly tolerable.
I would say you could wax, get electrolysis (which can be painful and takes more than one session - but this is permanent), get laser (which lasts about 1 year at a time - but also takes more than one session) or use a hair cream bleach like Jolen. I have done all of these things. I may be the queen of facial hair - not a coveted role, but something I have to live with.

I did the electrolysis for quite a while which got rid of most of my facial hair, but I have super stubborn hair. So I went to laser, but once that year or so was up, it came back. Now I bleach it . . .

I waxed once (the day before my wedding) and I have sensitive skin and my face was bright red in those areas for almost 6 hours. I had a lot of events to go to that day (bridesmaids luncheon, etc.) and was freaking out. Needless to say, I won't be doing it again unless I know I will be alone in my house for 10 hours afterwards.
I use this stuff called Surgi-Wax. It's so quick and easy, and painless. I've been doing it awhile now, although I don't really ever remember it hurting. I stick it in the microwave about 45 seconds, apply it, wait a minute tops, pull, and voila. No redness, no irritation.

>WAX, WAX, Wax
>You do not have to wait until it grows long. I have been
>doing it since I was a teenager.

Yeah that! It does not have to grow long at all on the upper lip/facial area. Also, the more you wax, the less grows back and what does grow back is light, fine and sparse. Eventually it will be gone completely. WAX I say! :)
Hey ladies! Thanks so much for the tips! I am going to try waxing, probably will go to a salon to do this because I have never had any luck waxing my legs when I have tried so I don't think waxing my face will be any different hehe.

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