Facebook Problem


Has anyone had any problems with facebook? The last few times I have tried to open my facebook homepage it comes up blank. The toolbar is at the top, but there are no status updates or anything showing. I also seem to be getting popups when I log on. I think at one point it downloaded a trojan virus onto my PC, but mcafee cleaned that up. Facebook is the only website that is giving me issues.
Help please!

Sharon, I have problems with FB every now and then, but it's usually just that there's a glitch between FB and the browser I use. If FB doesn't open on my PC (on which I use Mozilla Firefox), then I hit it with my laptop with Google Chrome and it's fine. However, there ARE times when it's strictly a FB issue and it's fixed within a short amount of time....I always just figure they're doing 'something' with their software or program at that time. (oh, and I never had any pop ups when playing on FB)

I love me my FB time! LOL I didn't really like FB at first, but I've been able to reconnect with long-lost friends and family, and it really just helps keep me in touch with so many people. (sorry, I know you didn't ask about my opinion. lol).

I rarely have problems with Facebook. If I do, it's usually on their end.

Maybe it's your browser. I had problems with Explorer at work and at home. At home it was just really slow and at work I was unable to log in anywhere. I haven't had any problems since I switched to Mozilla Foxfire.

Gayle ~ I love FB too!! I love playing Mafia Wars and Farm Town! I have connected with lots of old friends too.
Sharon - Facebook hasn't worked for me for about 3 days. I can get to it on my iphone, but I cannot get to it from my computer at work at all. I'm starting to think they might have blocked it!!! :eek:

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