I"m at a crossroads and I'm so upset I just need others advice. I have three cats all sister who I adopted from a resuce. My baby girl Peony who is not even two had chronic diareah for the age of 4 months to 7 months. She was the runt of the litter and has always been smaller than her sisters. My vet tried many things included changing her food ect.. After one series of things we did they assumed she had IBS which they say is rare in a kitten but possible. She seemed fine as fine could be until this Nov which she was just over one. In Nov she started vomiting 5-10 times a day. They gave me anti vomit meds, steroids the works and it works for about a month and then stops, and the cycle starts again which it did this April with a vengence. At this point all xrays and blood are still normal.. In April her vomiting shots duration stopped working. She began to vomit weekly again as oppose to monthly. My vet in turn was stumped. She sent me to another vet for a second opinion about a month ago. After doing the regular things, fecal exam, x rays, Her blood work came back with a white blood cell count of 40,000 with bands ( immature blood cells) They were shocked as normal count for a cat is 5000 to 7000. So after major injeciton of anitbiotics and two more blood tests her white blood cell count as of today is only at 25,000. If for one minute I take her off of any meds she becomes almost a kitten to suffering for words. So now they want to do exploratory surgery. I had a long conversation today with my vet who said she is willing to do it but she doens't know if it will help. She is leaning toward cancer or I think she said fep which has no cure and no diagnosis and will reslut in death, some type of birth defect for lack of better words.. The other vet thinks she may have eaten a string. Which I highly doubt and wants to do an ultrasounds then exploratory is we see nothing. I don't kwno what to do. I don't think I can cry anymore but I still am. I'm at $2000 now and still no answer. I can't put her down if they can cure it but how can I cure her if no one knows. I asked my vet if the surgery will give me answers and she said yes and no. I can open her up and see something and put her down then. Or we may not see anything and then we can pump her with steriods again.. My poor kitty is so lethargic, she is now become mean to her sisters. She just wants me. I know no one probably knows the right anwer but I guess i needed to just write it down. I feel so bad for Peony's sisters I know they know she is sick but won't come near her anymore..

What am I suppose to do. When do I say enough is enough for her.
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