

Lately, I seem to be hitting a wall of exhaustion every evening. I'm absolutely fine all day then BAM! I feel like I'm coming down with the flu or something in the evening. I wake up feeling really tired in the morning but once I get going I'm fine all day again. The evening's are when I usually workout, so I'm not able to do much at the moment. I've been generally tired before, but never such extremes from day to evening. It's very frustating!! :(

Listen to your body. Get some extra sleep, perhaps that's all you need. If you're still not feeling right in a week or so... see a doctor. Take care of yourself and hope you're feeling better soon.
Are you drinking enough water? I recently read that lack of water results in overtiredness. You may also be overtraining. Take a couple of days off and just relax.

- Shopgirl :)
I would consider if you've recently switched your workout program. Maybe the newness of the routine as got your body feeling taxed. Maybe not necessarily overtraining but just a new routine. Maybe.
Thanks for the replies. I've stopped working out altogether now (apart from walking) which is a first for me in a very long time. I don't feel up to it physically or mentally. I've ordered some meditation and yoga videos (Alan Finger's Yoga Zone), and I'm hoping (when they arrive) that doing just those for a few weeks will help me get back to normal. I think I'm tired from a lot of work and relationship stress lately.

I wish I had some less intense videos, and was wondering about the new beginner ones. However, I live in the UK and can't order the high step. Is anyone modifying using an ordnary step? Is it working?
Shaz -
I don't have a high step, but I have an ooooold wooden "tall box" from the first Firm workouts. HOWEVER, I would think if you have a regular step, you could just buy extra risers, turn your step so it is pointing away from you and then use the end facing you as a tall step.
I hope that makes sense .. you'd think English was my second language!!! LOL
Good luck!

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