Exercise rotations for weight loss


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-02 AT 11:49AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm looking to lose at least 20 lbs (preferably 30). I've been Firming since late October, and like feeling stronger, but I really want to get rid of some fat now.

I'm interested in hearing what kind of workouts you recommend for maximum fat loss. I know I hear lots about cardio, cardio, cardio, but... strength training fits in there as well, right? I guess I'm wondering, how much of each? And does anybody have a good rotation for fat loss?

I have another thread on this board that has gone more down the path about the diet side of dropping weight, so I'd rather keep this discussion to the exercise side.

Hi Karen,
If you like I can send you a copy of Kathy S.'s Rotations which include some weight loss rotations, at least two of which (as memory serves) were written by Cathe herself.
If you would like them, pls send your email to me at [email protected].
hi, I'm very new to this site as well as the whole weightloss and firm up scene and i was just reading that you could send the weightloss rotation schedule to someone, i would like if you could email it to me as well. i will email you at the address give. I hope this is okay with you @[email protected]

thanks in advance!
Didn't mean to jump in on the "conversation", but would love the rotation schedule as well. I will email to the address above if OK? Thanks!
I am currently using one of those weight loss rotations and I lost 2.6 pounds in the first week. It's great because there is so much variety. Good luck.

:) Marcia
hi i am new here but would love a copy of
rotations for weight loss to,i have lost 35 pounds since
october and this last 15 is going to be the hardest,
any tips would really help.
Hi Paula,
Wow, what a lot you've accomplished!! I'm really impressed! I will be happy to send you Kathy S.'s Rotations, but need your email address. You'll get it the quickest if you email me with it at [email protected].
I'll be waiting to hear from you...
Ruth, I'm jumping on the bandwagon here! I am just starting to learn about rotations, and REALLY need some suggestions. I'm going to send you an email at [email protected] (I really hope you don't mind!) Thanks so much.

I am just coming onto this discussion board, and would love a copy of the roatation for weight loss; would be very greatful to you . Thanks
carol c
It's hard not to focus some on the food intake issue, since that's such a great part of the equation.
As a long time Firmie tho - & recent Cathe weight convert - I have gotten my best slenderizing results from a "classics" routine - alternating the Firm classics 1-6, w/ particular emphasis on vols. 1-3.
Lately, however, I've been trying out a new heavier weight routine - alternating Cathe's all weight workouts w/ either a Firm classic or cardio (I'm not into stepping/fancy choreography). So far so good, altho I am finding it a tad tiring & will probably only give it another week.
Well...I hope you're not getting too sick of sending that list because I would love to have it too. I've got about 15 lbs. to lose after having my baby and then slacking for so long.

Thanks! I will email you too.

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