exercise and back issues


Active Member
Dear Cathe,

I am a huge fan and own many videos. For the past two years though I have not been able to exercise like a like do to back problems I was recently told I have bulging discs ( mainly the lowest disc) what workouts do you recommend. I am worried about gaining weight if I do not exercise.

Thank you,
Hi Monica! I'm sorry to hear of your back pain. First and foremost you need to get clearance from your doctor and have him/her approve you working out and to what degree. You should also ask them to send you home with a sheet of exercises that you are cleared to do. This sheet should also specify what NOT to do and should also give you basic icing and stretching instructions. If your doctor is unable to provide you with this then he/she can refer you to a physical therapist. Good luck with everything!

Dear Cathe,

I am a huge fan and own many videos. For the past two years though I have not been able to exercise like a like do to back problems I was recently told I have bulging discs ( mainly the lowest disc) what workouts do you recommend. I am worried about gaining weight if I do not exercise.

Thank you,
he told me to start exercising again and that I could do low impact and walking....I am just scared to start again because of the discomfort and pain it sometimes causes.

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