Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 1/Week 4/Day 3
Workout: Janis Saffell's Kick It
Today we are having a potluck, and I didn't make anything. I just bought some crackers and cheese. I think I cooked myself out this past weekend. Cooking overload or something like that! Feeling 100% today, and happy that it is my last day of working until the new year. I will be into work next Friday to enter my EMS (this would be my employee reveiw sheet for my raise) in the system

. Do I put on this thing, chat every morning with the Xers. :7 :7 My boss said I did a great job this year, so I'm happy. I kept his budget in line, so he is looking good for his boss. Everything comes down to the mighty $ in the end. :7
Tracy, Glad you are feeling better and looking forward to starting a round of the X.

I will be getting a chance to spend some time with Eion also. Just got a notification that the DVD I order shipped out from Amazon. I did watch TBL. I though all the contestants did a great job. I know this will never happen, but I wish they would give more information on how these people train/eat. Two of these people had medical issues, and where still able to lose weight. Wouldn't it have been nice for TBL to give more info on where to go to get more information. Just my one pet peeve.
Traci, Oh I'm still sending out my prayers for your little Matthew. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you during this time. I will be around the boards until Sunday. And then I will be out of commission. My parents do not have internet.

They had it at one time, but my Mom could not or would not use the dang thing.

We are getting back on Christmas Day, but will be getting ready to head to DH's parents once we get home. Sounds like you had a nice venture out with your GF.
Sandra, Dang on missing the Pump & Jump class. You always seem to have a great time jumping around with your little one.

My youngest had her Christmas concert last week. It was nice because it only lasted for a half hour. My girls are both in school on Friday too. The youngest gets out early, and I think we will be making cookies. I think you should be good with going to your friends, as long as the kids do not get their heads close to your friends children, or put their heads on pillows. I know the HE77 you went through last year, and can understand your concern. But now you are aware of the lice going in. ;-) Hope you start feeling better soon. I have heard that the Zicam or Airborn is suppose to work really well.
Carol, What type of tree topper are you looking for? Seems that there is always one present that is elusive. Glad you where able to get all caught up. Good thing you are feeling better with all the things that you still have to do. :7
TG, I remember you saying that you had a big family. Sounds like your family was alot like ours. My Mom was head of the Sunday School. ;-) I'm looking forward to going to my home town church. It is not one of these modern churches that we are in now. They still pull a rope for the bell in the tower. Love it! Just hope the pastor doesn't have a 2 hour service like last year. :7
Nicole, I say stick to your guns on the motorcycle. How old are your boys again? The weather people have changed the weather forcast for the weekend somewhat. They now think that it will be just snow. Snow is better than freezing rain.
Debra, I just love how you are like the energizer bunny. Maybe when I go home I should take a nap, and then I could get all these other things done. I would probably end up sleeping all night. :7 :7 Hope the web cam didn't take your computer down....
Jeanette, My hair looks good, and DH even said it looked pretty last night. I stayed with the same color, and she trimmed it up. I also bought my shampoo and conditioner, because it seems to be working with keeping my hair from being too frizzy. Also got 20% off buying it in December.

My DH filmed oldest DD's play, and she was one of the few kids I could actually hear talking. I think in total there where 5 people that I could understand what they said. She makes a good little girl charecter.
DH just called me and he thinks he is getting the same flu that I had. Crossing my fingers that this isn't so, or that the girls don't get it. x(
Have a great day!