Excited for PUB in the morning!


Does anyone else get excited for UB and particularly PUB? Every time I have it on the weekly rotation (which is usually at least 1 a week) I get excited!!! It is just such a great UB workout plus it goes perfectly with Body For Life.

:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
I love PUB! But I am currently on a Hardcore/S&H rotation and plan to stay on it 'til the end of next month. I am tempted to get out PUB though. Great workout. Only 2 exercises per body part (except for shoulders) but every nook and cranny of my upper body is nicely sore and tingly.:)

Yes! I look on my calendar the night before & say "YEA! PUB tomorrow!"
Is this normal behavior??!! Ha Ha


Keep smiling & sweating!
Pinky - one way to make PUB harder is to do it the body for life style. I do this all the time. Basicly when Cathe starts to go down in weight you go up. and then only go slightly down for the last set of 12. I do reps like this 12-10-8-6-12 where Cathe does 12-10-8-10-12. I also add extra sets/reps on the shoulders and biceps where she seems to go too slow.

What kind of rotation are you doing w/HC & S&H. Are you seeing good results? I am tempted to try something similar. I love the GS workouts!
FitNut, thanks for the suggestion. Another great way to add variety to PUB. Sometimes I go heavier and work only chest/back, or sh/tri/bi on separate days. I take rests between sets. This takes PUB away from endurance style to strength training.

I had this rotation posted here:

I just started week 1, but wasn't able to follow it to the letter. I hope next week will be better. I've been able to increase my weights in some of the GS exercises, after resting for a week. I was pretty thrilled.


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