Excellent customer service


Active Member
Dear Cathe,
I just wanted to tell you that I think your customer service personnel are THE BEST!
One of my preordered dvds was missing. I discovered this just yesterday and I emailed the concerned department. I got an assurance within 24 hours that a replacement will be sent.
The next time you meet Nancy and the rest of your customer service crew, tell them on my behalf that they rock!
I absolutely agree! I've had great customer service via e-mails and on the phone. Cathe and her workouts are superb as they are, and great customer service puts the icing on the cake!

Leslie L.
I agree as well...not only is the customer service dept. excellent but my DVDs are always shipped in a timely manner. Ordered Basic Step + Body Fusion Tuesday and had it Thursday! I was beyond pleased. Thanks for the prompt service...I will come back to your products again and again and continue to reccommend them to friends.

Hey, keep it down, will ya?

The "other" forum loves to moan and groan about how bad SNM is...

Let 'em keep moaning, it leaves more fun for us!!:7
I don't see how sharing your less-than stellar experiences with a company's customer service is considered moaning. As a consumer I want to hear everyone's experiences, not just the outstanding ones. I'm thrilled that you've only had perfect service with SNM, but not all of us are in the same boat. Now if the dvds were free I'd have no leg to stand on, but when I pay 20 or more dollars for a workout I should have a right to voice my concerns with a product and/or its service. I have to think there are others who might possible feel the same way. Heather
Heather, I agree with you completely, I think I may have not been clear with my thoughts. There are some forums ( not this one ), who use an issue with SNM's customer service as a preface to criticizing Cathe and her work in any shape or form possible. When someone says something good about SNM it usually starts a verbal barrage against Cathe. I was just attempting a bit of sarcastic humor, I am sorry if it was misinterpreted.

Have a great day!:7

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