You too, huh?? I just wanna see what's next. I can't skip!! Last week I came down w/ the stomach flu Mon afternoon, and once I felt a bit better that eve, I seriously contemplated doing disc 7. I made myself skip it. I stayed home from work Tues still feeling kinda yucky, but got my disc 7 in that afternoon. (I didn't tell DH, though. Didn't want to get fussed at) It wasn't my best performance ever, but I did alright. I skipped the abs though.
I think we do it bc we can't help but know what Cathe is going to throw at us. If I'm tired but something like MM is on the schedule, I know what kind of work it is going to bring, so I can talk myself out of it. "Its haaaaaard, its heavvvvvvy, I'm tiiiiiiiiiiiired, I've done this before, one skip won't hurt"
Or cardio "My knees hurrrrrrrt, my back huuuuuurts, my shoe won't stay tied, I'm sleeeeeeeepy - I'll trip"
But STS is all fresh and shiny and new and I just can't help it. Heck, I know Cathe is going to torture me, but I want to know what she's going to do!