Escape your Shape


Has anybody read/tried Escape Your Shape? The authors premise is that one should exercise based on their body shape. In his “terms”, I would be considered a spoon. If I were to follow his recommendations, that would mean NO SQUATS, NO LUNGES, NO STEPPING, (in other words no more Cathe or the Firm). I find that hard to believe especially because I have had great results so far using the Firma and Cathe. Granted, though, I am still a “spoon” and would like to trim my lower half more. Has anyone tried his program and has had results? Conversely, has anyone tried the Lower Body Solutions which suggests working the legs everyday (this program does allow squats, lunges, etc.)? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

For Cathe:

What are your thoughts on the whole "exercising for your body shape" concept?
Hi mlmccauley,
I haven't tried 'Escape Your Shape' but it sounds like they're much more interested in how you look in a tight dress than whether or not you're healthy. I think you just have to accept your ‘body type' and concentrate on total body fitness, inside & out. One thing I've learned from Cathe and other great instructors is that it's all about taking care of yourself and feeling great.

I don't think it's a good idea to work your lower body everyday though. Well, not if you're doing any of Cathe's workouts anyway. I suppose some people could do light toning consecutively but not serious resistance training.

As far as your body type goes, you can always adjust your wardrobe to accommodate your shape. I know a thing or two about having to watch what you wear, both in styles & colors. I myself am a serious ‘pear' so I really appreciate Gin Miller's rousing words of encouragement:

"If you're going to have a big butt, have a great big butt" ;)

Hey, this big butt of mine is not going to keep me from stepping with Cathe!
Hi mlmccauley,

I have tried the "Escape Your Shape" workout. I am a spoon. I started using the program the very end of February and am still using the program - I have had pretty good results so far. I've followed the recommendations to the tee and have not modified my diet and have lost 1" in my hips!! My waist and upper body have stayed the same. It's only been 3 weeks using this program. It's unbelievable - I was at a plateau before trying this program. I am a cardio junke so I thought it would be really hard to give up hi-lo and ste; But, it's not the case...The jump roping is liberating!
Hope this helps!

Christy -

Could you give a brief summary of what the regime is for a spoon? I am also a pear and committed to running and biking but never seem to loose the flab in my hips and thighs. I'm doing MIS 2x/week and the leg portion an additional day, also 4 days of running or biking. If this experiment doesn't work I'll try anything. Thanks
I haven't tried Escape Your Shape, but I have used Cathe and Firm videos for a long time and my hips and rear are considerably narrower than they used to be. I had saddlebags and they are now almost completely gone. You can see them in a bathing suit, but not when I wear clothes. I am still a pear and always will be, but it's not nearly as extreme as it once was.

I usually do lower body work 2 or 3 times a week. I do squats and lunges, but I use light weights only, about 20 lbs max. Lower body fat is hard to lose, a good diet also makes a difference.
I think we all need to work with what God gave us and be happy to be healthy and strong. Yesterday, I was adimiring a friends muscular shoulders, lamenting how hard it is for me to put on muscle. Do what you love and you'll be exercising for a long time and you'll be fitter and happier for it.

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Hi Mars,
I usually workout 4 days a week - if time permits I might do up to 6 days a week (but that's not often!).

Monday, Wednesday -
1.)Warm Up - Ride staitionary bike for 10-20 minutes at 90RPM or Walk (no incline at 4.0 MPH)
2.)Stretch (just the basics)
3.) Workout - alternating toning exercises with cardio. Toning exercises for Spoon consists of only 2 lower body toning exercises, tons of abdominal work and upper body (to even out the body proportion).
4.) Cool Down. (bike leisurly or walk)

The workout takes about 1 hour to complete.

Tuesday and Thursday -
1.) Warm Up - 20 minutes of bike (100 RPM's) or Walk at 4mph
2.) Stretch
3.) Workout - jump rope 10 minutes, 1 leg toning exercise to catch your breath, jump rope for 10 minutes
4.) Cooldown. (bike leisurly or walk)

There are different levels of workouts. The above 2 workouts are considered advanced. Thanks to Cathe I was able to easily step into this workout :)

One of the biggest keys to "Escape Your Shape" for the spoon body type, as discussed in the book, is to limit your lower body toning exercises - it bulks the legs instead of tones them down.

I would recommend you pick up the book "Escape Your Shape" by Edward Jackowski, PHD. There are detailed pictures and descriptions of each exercise you need to perform for your body type and fitness level. It's a really easy read.

Hope this info helps, let me know if you want to know anymore about the workout, etc.

At the risk of offending people, I just need to point something out. I have never used the Escape Your Shape program but have seen the infomercial. I take issue with Jackowski's comment that lower body weight training will bulk you up. For most people, this is not the case. Look at Cathe's legs--she lifts a good amount of weight and her legs are far from bulky. There are some people who are genetically prone to big muscle gains from weight training and for those people, limiting lower body work is okay. Most women generally have a tough time putting on a large amount of muscle. Perhaps the results that people get are simply from a change in their workout program that has introduced a little variety and the muscles are responding. From what I can gather from the infomercial, he is operating on the theory of spot reduction as well. We all know that when it comes to fat loss, your body is going to decide where to pull the fat from and it may not be from the places you most want to lose it from.

For anyone reading this post, please do not take this message as a slam to you or anyone doing the Escape Your Shape program--I am merely stating my two cents! If it is working for you, that is fabulous!
I'll go even further than you. I think it's a crock.

Any time I see "informercial," that immediately makes it suspect at best IMO and at worst, something not worthy of paying one minute of your attention.

Every time I think there just can't be any more gimmicks left to prey on people's desire to lose weight, they come up with a new one. It's amazing.
I can only speak for how my body responds to exercise. I don't build muscle easily and have saddlebags. What's finally helped narrow my hips has been the heavy weight workout, like ps and s&h.
This is such an interesting thread! I just recently picked up his first book - Hold it your exercising wrong. Of course, since I tend to overload with too much info - I was confused. I am an hourglass. He says we should avoid all heavy weights and squats lunges and leg presses. I don't lift heavy compared to Cathe, but I alternate light and heavy routines and I look just fine! I personally don't avoid the standing leg work exercises but I don't use weights. One thing about him that made my husband think he was not very credible is he says walking is not a really good aerobic exercise! That is just not true - and to go one step further - I heard one of those blurbs on the radio that even a mild stroll during the day is beneficial.

I tend to follow Cathe's advise - you just have to experiment with different exercises and programs and see what works. Also, I agree, anything that appears in an infomercial is suspect. Also, he says to avoid exercises that are painful or if you have orthepedic problems. I have tried to jump rope over the years - my flat feet can't take it -

Just my two cents.
I, too, am leery of these fad programs. However, since finding Cathe & the Firm, I rarely read fitness info anymore - figuring I've got the best out there in terms of home exercise since both programs seem to constantly upgrade & tweak their programs w/ the latest in techniques. I'm not quite sure what a "spoon" is; I suppose I've always considered myself a "pear" (we're genetically disinclined to shoulders in my family & I used to have a difficult time w/ bra straps staying up!), yet now, after Cathe & Firming, I can truthfully say I'm an "hourglass."

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