Engaging transverse abdominus


Hi Cathe or anyone else who can help!

I have been doing Cathe and other tapes for years and have what I think is a very strong core. I can do all of Cathe's ab routines. I recently had a trainer evaluate my form and conditioning. She agreed that my core is extremely strong. However, she noted that I engage my transverse abdominus very little, if at all, even during core work.

How can I learn to engage this muscle?

Thanks much!
Didn't your trainer give you any ideas? I'd talk to her, because she could actually tell you if you're doing it right.

To engage the transverse abdominus, think of pulling in your lower abs as if you're zipping up a really tight pair of pants. If you do this before you start a move, it should help you keep that muscle engaged. You could also work on some exercises that isolate that muscle, which are exercises that use the t.a. to stabilize the core while the arms and legs move, like the "dead bug" move: lie on your back with arms facing the ceiling and legs up, knees bent (like an upside-down "on your knees" position), engage your t.a. as above, then keep it engaged while lowering your right arm and left leg toward the floor. Bring the arm and leg back to the center and repeat with the other side(s).
Thanks, Kathryn!

Yes, the trainer said to get a pilates trainer to work on it. That isn't going to happen, so I'm looking for other ideas.

Another good way to visualize engaging the TA is to think of squeezing a sponge of all of its excess water.

You may want to get some Pilates DVD's and work some of them into your rotations.
You might want to try incorporating some pilates into your routine. I broke down & started 3-4 months ago & am definitely seeing results. Plus the workouts are a lot of fun.
Are you still using a pilates instructor (with the machines), or doing it on your own (on a mat)? I'm not convinced that you can get a total body workout at home on a mat. Core work, however, is excellent.
Vidfan - Kathryn told me on another thread that ABSolutely by Charlene Prickett works the transverse abdominus a lot. Maybe you're too advanced if you have a strong core. I described fair abs... Something to check into perhaps or maybe she'll respond to this.
Elaine--no, I'm not using an instructor anymore. Maybe if I hit the lottery someday, but no way am I spending $65 a session for anything. :eek:

I agree that pilates is not for a total body workout. IMO it's core through & through. I've dedicated one day a week for core work only & I switch it up w/Core Max & other pilates workouts. So far my favorite pilates DVD is the MTV Mix. My abs were sore for two days after doing this one.
I've got the best ab exercise - if you have a bosu and a stability ball!! honestly, I've never done an exercise like this and its wicked and your lower abs will be super engaged.

put the bosu flat on the ground (with the round version up). Lie back as far as you can, the mid section of the bump should be hitting your mid to lower back. Then, put your feet on upper or top of the stability ball. you'll feel really unstable but then, try to do a few crunches and be sure to NOT drop your chin to your chest.

I guarantee that you'll feel it in your lower abs (all over in fact) within 1 to 2 crunches!
Thanks everyone for the great exercise and video recommendations! I have been incorporating pilates tapes 1-3 times/week for about a month already, and am trying the exercises suggested here. I'm really trying to feel those deep muscles - I think I was finally successful this morning, a little bit, anyway. I'll keep trying. I've put it on "project status"!


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