Endo, Meso...Confused-o


OK, I took the quiz and determined that I'm an Endo-Meso body type but I'm not sure what to do with this information.....

I'm more confused than ever! Any insights?

I'm 6' tall, need to lose another 15+ pounds. I can workout 4-5 times per week for 60-90 minutes. I have LIC, LowMax, KPC, SJP, PUB/PLB, PP/SS, Cardio Fusion, BS/Body Fusion. I tend to "bulk up" in the legs so I don't usually do an all leg workout, but love to do an all upper body workout.

Help! ~jasper
Hi Jasper,

Where did you take this quiz - I would really like to find out what body type I am.


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.
I came out Meso-Endo - do you think it is correct?

I am small boned and have always been athletic. (Though in high school carried an extra 25 lbs. which I lost in jr. college).

Now that I will be 50 next year and seem to be peri-menopausal, my thighs, but and belly seem to grow in a matter of a day or two of just barely "non-clean" eating.

And then also, my exercise has been low with my stress level high.

Am trying P90X to even just stay on track.

We'll see . . . :7
Well, BFFM suggests that if you are an endo, you will probably have trouble losing fat with just diet alone, and you'll have to try to eat clean most of the time to see results. Good nutrition along with weight training & aerobic exericse are what you what to aim for. Lots of cardio is recommended (4-5x per week).

What about doing 45-60 minutes of cardio 4-5x a week plus 2-3 30-45 min. weight workouts per week?

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

I just rented a book called The Body Code by Jay Cooper, M.S. from my library. It is all about the four human genetic types. It was pretty interesting. I am also endo/meso. It's a good think I'm obsessed with working out!!:)
Thanks for the suggestions Cathy. It's true that if I don't exercise my weight doesn't budge (and sometimes goes up even when I watch what I'm eating - ugh!).

I eat a lot of pre-packaged meals (lean cuisine, weight watchers, etc) with added veggies or fruit. Does "clean" mean I shouldn't?

Thank you! ~jasper
Hi Everyone-
I wanted to reply to this earlier, but I couldn't find the book I was looking for. I took the blueprint quiz that was on the website and came out endo-ecto. I went and found a textbook I had for certification and looked up body types. According to this particular textbook, it is impossible to be endo-ecto. They went on to say that people can be either endomorph,ectomorph, mesomorph, or a combination of meso-and endo-, or ecto and meso. Here is how they described the three basic types:

Mesomorph: Muscular, stocky shape, chest larger than waist, broad shoulders, body fat lower or at ideal range, no difficulty losing body fat or sculpting for definition

Ectomorph-Leaner, more frail shape, long arms and legs, short trunk, round shoulders, indistince buttocks, body fat varies, no difficulty losing body fat, but difficulty in bulking or acquiring muscular definition without heavy weight training

Endomorph-round, softer shape, short heavy legs, narrow shoulders and large chest, weight concentrated in lower body(hips, thighs, abs),body fat above ideal range, difficulty losing body fat and sculpting for definition

Anyway, it also went on to say that once you have figured out your body type, you also need to determine if you have a long muscle belly or short muscle belly as this will also help you to figure out what program will be the most effective. It is easy to figure out for the upper body. All you have to do is flex the bicep so the arm is at a right angle. Use your other hand and see how many fingers you can fit in the angle of the elbow and where you feel your bicep end. One finger=short muscle belly, 2 fingers= medium , 3 fingers=long muscle belly.

People with short muscle bellies should try working out with heavy weights, while those with longer muscle bellies should try doing a muscular endurance type of workout. Anyway, that is what they suggested in the book, but like I said in a different post I really think that finding the exercises that work the best for you is a process of trial and error. Hey, as long as we are doing something, right?!:)

I did find another body type quiz on a different website. This time it came out meso-ecto, so I guess I am the world's first endo-ecto-meso:)

Thanks Beth,

That does help. I was confused with what type of workouts I should do when an online quiz determined that I was a meso-endo. The finger test confirmed what I already thought... I have a long muscle belly. I would have termed it torso instead of belly though. I do notice that I tend to bulk up easily with weights and do better with endurance type workouts. Considering my physical stamina, I wish it were the other way around.
Interesting.... of course my bicep test came out to be medium, but I think I do better with lighter weights/endurance. But you're right, it's mostly trial and error! Thanks!

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