I have the same problem...it's the worst in the middle of the night, waking both my hubby & I up. I am a vegetarian & eat a lot of fiber and have had this problem for years. Do you chew gum? I have found that when I chew gum (if I buy a pack it's gone in a day)I have severe issues;). I guess when you chew gum you swallow lots of air....
I'm really interested in hearing everyone's input on this, too. I've tried Beano and Gas-X off and on for years... I eat a very high-fiber, vegetable-rich diet, and have for at least ten years, but my body has never seemed to adjust! My problem is that I just blow up like a balloon and cannot get the offending gas to, uh, leave. I don't pass gas in any form, pretty much. I just get to a point at about 1-2PM where my stomach is so distended and uncomfortable from it that I PRAY for relief. I even saw my doctor about it, but she seemed pretty baffled on how to relieve the situation.

Weirdly, I cannot drink coffee because it does the same sort of thing to me... blow up, massive discomfort. I never hear about THAT little side effect in the yes caffeine/no caffeine debates!!

The one thing I've tried that worked to relieve this problem was drinking about a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in lukewarm water. It tastes revolting (think gritty sea water), but it worked like a charm. Within an hour, I was totally "deflated". But, truthfully, it's not something I want to do on a daily basis, because it really is gross. However, I know it's there if I get to a point where I can't take the pain anymore.
I had the same problem a few months back. It was so bad that I was considering seeing a doctor for fear of cancer. The daily bloat and gas were incredible. As it turns out, I was eating too much fiber. I was adding fiber powder to my oatmeal and yoghurt, and I ate a lot of Fiber One cereal, along w/ getting a lot of fiber in my food. Once I stopped the powder, the gas and bloating went away. It was amazing. I have heard that you cant get too much fiber, but I disagree. I had even increased it slowly as suggested and was drinking lots of water, but it was just too much for me.
I forgot to add that I had tried every solution available on the market for excess gas and bloating. Nothing worked!
I used to eat Kashi cereal in the morning for breakfast or as a snack in the morning. By noon or 1 pm I was soooo distended and uncomfortable. Once I eliminated the cereal, no more gas (like that anyway). I think sitting at a desk for long periods of time doesn't help either.

OMG ~ you are too funny! What do you SAY after something like that??

Cathy :)

>You could try Gas-X. It's a dietary supplement--I'm pretty
>sure it's all natural.
>This reminds me of my most embarassing gym story. First year
>of working out, doing situps off the end of a bench with a
>trainer sitting on my feet. I farted right in his face.
>I had to switch gyms after that. ;-)

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