>OMG...I didn't know about your foot Michele! I think you
>should get a discount and if they knew how much you hated
>cardio I think they would just GIVE you the

....Another reason I picked that Elliptical
>from Nordic track was because you could fold it up...I have
>space issues and should be getting it in few days!!!
Carol, I should probably explain what happened, especially since you're getting a model that folds.
I went into this fitness store yesterday where I saw a Vision elliptical that folds for storage. The salesperson, who was helping another customer at the time, saw me trying to release the footpedals from the folded position so he called out to me and told me to push the button. Well, I pushed the button and OMG, the footpedals dropped so fast and with such a force that it caught me off guard and one of the pedals landed squarly on my foot. I wanted to cry so bad, but I sucked it up, as Shelley would say

, and just made a little joke out of it.
The moral of the story is, be very careful when you go to release the footpedals from a folded position. When I pushed the button I expected to have to manually pull the pedals down. I thought the button would simply serve as a mechanism to unlock them. It never occured to me that they would just fall down by the force of gravity.
Well, at least I know which machine I'm NOT getting--lol!