ELLIPTICAL REVIEWS?? Anyone have one??


My husband wants one and has been looking to buy!!! THIS WEEK HE WANTS to get one ordered :) I am super excited!!! I would have chosen a treadmill, but hey - - no arguments here ;)

We are looking in the $1000 price range. So far we have thought the Sole E25 looks like a good buy in that range....anyone have it or anything similar?
I have a cross-trainer/elliptical from Life Fitness, they are a bit pricey but are sturdy and give a great work out.I also have a treadmill from sole, it is also very sturdy.
I think what you are looking at does sound like a great buy!! Congrats!
Michele gave you some great links to check out. I have a Nordic track Elliptical Space Saver. I LOVE it....and also the iTrain workouts...:)
Reba, yippee!! You are going to love the elliptical. It is a godsend for my knees! I don't have one at home, I use it at the gym, but just wanted to say that once you get it you need to get some cardio coaches and itrain workouts. It will make the elliptical that much better. Let us know how you like it.

>Reba, I think you'll be happy with an elliptical trainer. I
>just love mine, I really do. You can always go outside to walk
>or run, but an elliptical is a nice change of pace and an
>excellent machine for cross training that won't kill your
>I spent a lot of time on these websites when I was trying to
>decide which elliptical to buy. :)

I agree having an Elliptical is an excellent change of pace and great for your joints. I know you'll be happy with it. Get all the info you can ahead of time so you can make an informed decision.
I am excited - they are on back order right now!! We finally decided on the Sole E25 model - it was sturdy and with a 20 stride, it didn't come with many programs, but I figure that the more important things was stability, sturdiness, stride, ect.....and I am going to look at those itrain - but it doesn't look there is anything specific to ellipticals, but I suppose treadmill workouts will sub nicely...
reba...om the iTrain website check out the iClimbs as they are better for Ellipticals than the iTreads IMO...:)
I agree with Carole. The iclimbs work very well with the elliptical trainers. Plus the coach, Keith (for iclimb and icycle), is IMHO way better than the itread coach, Grace.

Hi Reba,

I have a Life Fitness x9i Elliptical trainer. I've had mine for almost 4 years now. When I was shopping around, I definitely compared several different models. I would highly suggest trying out various models and comparing what works best for your body. Take your workout clothes to a fitness store and really get a good 30-45 minute session on any models you are seriously considering (a good store will encourage this :) ). Personally, I opted for a machine that was closer to club quality because it was the one that worked best for me; it is very sturdy, offered great deal of resistance and programs, and had moving arms. I was considering Life Fitness or Precor. If you opt for a higher end model, you might also check for used commerical gym equipment.

Your friend in fitness,

Picture Trail URL: http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=fitgirl-atx
Website: http://www.niakelley.com/61606/

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