>Obviously not Cathe but it sounds like epicondylitis. Does
>it feel like the pain is concentrated in about a quarter
>size area on the outer elbow?
>I have it too. It's usually caused too much motion and torque
>between the wrist and the elbow. I stacked a lot of wood a
>piece at a time. I've also had it from shoveling heavy stuff
>in the garden.
>Treatment is an immobilizing wrist splint from the drug
>store, one with a metal "stay" to keep your wrist fairly
>immobile in a neutral position. Wear it every night while
>sleeping. They come in right and left and usually a couple
>sizes. This rests the area & lets it heal. I've had good
>relief in a couple weeks. anti-inflammatories like advil etc
>will help too. I have been doing Muscle Max lately & found
>the only exercise that bothers it is the one with the barbell
>where you lift it straight out and pull it towards you, and
>then back out. I am skipping that one til this settles down.
>Pushups, curls etc don't ( for me) make it hurt. If I were
>you I would skip exercises that make "the spot" hurt, at least
>until the pain diminishes, and I would pay attention to what
>seemed to cause the problem....cause it can come back.
>probably different for all of us.
>It's not a bad idea to get a professional opinion. I've had it
>several times before and it's always in my dominant arm. x(
YES, YES, YES! I have it as well- in both elbows- and wearing the braces at night is really the only thing that helps mine. And ITA on that Muscle Max move- *kills* me, too! Another tip my PT told me- make sure when lifting you try and keep a slight bend in your elbow. I think mine started by locking out my elbows on deadlifts. Also- doing lots of forearm stretches when lifting and throughout the day helps me as well. Mine started in my dominant arm, then when I started to favor that one and use my non-dominant, it started to flare in that one as well.