Elbow "click" during bicep curls with barbell


New Member

When I perform bicep curls using a barbell (and not as severe with dumbbells), I experience a clicking sensation in my right (and not left) elbow joint. It is not painful, but quite uncomfortable. Ever hear of this? or experience this? Any ideas for how to ameliorate???

Many thanks,
Jill D.
Many thanks for your reply! Is the easy curl bar the one that's flexed in an s-shape from the center on either side? That is actually the bar I use. Frustrated with the clicking! But you are right - if I shift position or switch to dumbbells, it tends to get better. Really appreciate you responding!!!
I have a similar issue where my elbow occasionally locks, and I have to loosen my grip a bit to relax the joint in order to uncurl the bar. I have had an orthopedic check it out and had an MRI. No reason could be found, so i have just learned to manage with it. If I am careful not to take the curl too far to the top, it is less likely to lock. I also have been told by a chiropractor to try the curved barbell for biceps. I plan to try that out with my next bicep workout.
Tennis Elbow can cause this as well as tendonitis in the biceps and carpel tunnel in wrists. The weight could be too much for the connective tissues and/or joints and/or the angle of the grip could be an issue too. Some people can adjust grip and find relief others have to decrease the weight as well.

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