

I like to think of myself as a pretty good cook but seriously how do you ladies boil eggs so that the shell doesn't glue itself to the egg? Sometimes (rarely) the shell pops right off but mostly the shell sticks to my egg which takes a long time to remove as well as gouging out huge chunks of the egg white.

I've tried dunking in ice cold water after boiling and putting a tiny hole in the shell before boiling but no luck.

Any suggestions?
Fresh eggs are the worst to try to hardcook. They work better when they are a little old--they peel much easier.
I put them in cold water and then put them in the fridge to cool off. Next I kind of hit them repeatedly but lightly on the cutting board. The shell just comes right off.
Gayle! Thank you so much for the link to tha gadget!

I HATE cold hard-boiled eggs, but love them when they're still warm. So, this would be perfect! I guess i'll just have to be careful bringing raw eggs to work.
Gayle - I got the egg cooker last night and I am absolutely in LOVE!!!! The shells just peel right off!!!

Thank you for linking this!! I am so grateful!
You are welcome! I pop it in the microwave, set for 10 minutes, and take my morning shower. By the time I get back down they're done and ready to peel! YUMMY!

OH! And just WAIT till you pop your FIRST egg. lol There is no mess nor smell like it! LOL I blew up 3 eggs total (so far) in the 18 months I've had this gadget...I blame all 3 of them on the egg being rotten...not user error! ;)

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