Edamame ) :


I bought a bag of these frozen pods this morning at the grocery. Cooked them in the microwave for lunch, pod & all. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
How do you eat these things? They have HAIR!!! :( Generally I avoid eating things with hair on them. But that's me I guess.
Anyone care to share how to eat these? I wouldn up popping the bean things out & eating them that way.

you did it right!

That's exactly how they are eaten, Tami. In restaurants, they are steamed in the pods, sprinkled with salt, and then you suck out the beans (so that you get to lick up the salt) and discard the hairy pod. But you can also buy them frozen without the pod, steam them, and toss them into salads. I love them because they are a super-protein, but low cal, low fat, and non-animal.
That's why I bought them for the high protein & fiber. I assume the nutrition info would include the pod though. Glad to hear poeple don't eat that thing :confused:
dry roasted

I bot a container of them dry roasted from Costco. I love them!! I eat them by the handful like nuts as a snack. I also bought a frozen bag of them from the grocery but haven't attempted to make them yet. Good to know about the hair and pods!! :)
OMG I adore edamame! The hair thing doesn't bother me a bit. I just stick the pod in my mouth & pull out the beans w/my teeth. Yummy!
I won't buy the ones still in the pod. I buy them frozen and shelled, then add them to my salads! :)
I agree that the dry roasted ones are a yummy afternoon snack and VERY VERY filling. More filling than a handful of almonds. I haven't tried the beans cooked. I bought a bag of frozen/shelled ones to put in an asian noodle dish I've been wanting to make.
I tried eating the shell once, just because. That thing will pass right through you looking the same as it did when it went in! I do love the little guys inside though.

OMG I adore edamame! The hair thing doesn't bother me a bit. I just stick the pod in my mouth & pull out the beans w/my teeth. Yummy!

So you DO NOT eat the hairy pod? Thank goodness. I thought it was very tough! I did find the inside tasty as well.

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