Ectochicks 4/21


It turns out I do possess the the Oct/Nov 2002 issue but not the Dec 2002. If you're still interested, would you mind mailing me a copy? My e-mail address is: [email protected]

Thanks, Angela, if you're too busy, don't worry about it. I can ask M&F Hers for back issues.

Thanks, again


PS-Hope you're having a good day.:7
RE: No ! Please Don't Apologise !

Debbie, I took some digitals of the children in the tree next to our home, but the camera said low battery and now I'm gonna have to wait until I can get more batteries......oh bother. Soon as I can though!!

Anna, you are so sweet....will see if Debbie comes up with any other little chubby guy which I will soon be, but not if I can help it for a while at least!! I'm actually loosing a little weight as the food thing isn't agreeing with me. When I don't eat I'm okay, but the minute food hits my stomach, it wants to reject it!!! I did 1/2 of CK this morning very sloppily I might add and sat on my step and watched the rest. Boy it's a lot easier when your sitting on your step, has anyone ever tried that? And I've never noticed Rhondas hysterical faces before because I was working so hard, but saw them today, what a blast she is!!! I don't suppose I burned quite as many calories though. x( x( x( x( x(
RE: No ! Please Don't Apologise !

Oh Briee,

I can sympathise with your yakky feeling (((HUGS))), with my youngest child, I was OK if I sat very still, but if I got up to move, nausea city ! :eek: I also didn't find out I was pregnant with baby no 3 until I was 9 weeks gone !!! I thought I had an awful sickness bug ! or one of those parasitic worms you hear about !
Yet with my eldest, I couldn't keep anything down and it started before I missed my period :eek: Being new to the pregnancy experience, I was a very confused Anna :eek:

Take Care Briee !

Anna :)
RE: No ! Please Don't Apologise !

Thanks Anna, I'm happily excepting all sympathy (I'm such a wimp) and it should be noted that I watched CK on a 15" step which is a much tougher workout than watching it from a 6" step. tee hee - see I'm a little tough still. :7 :7 :7


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