Ectochicks 4/21


Good morning, ladies,

Briee, I'm confused. Did I miss an important announcement? Or do you have some kind of bug?

Julie, I found two fibromyalgia articles. One is a "Success Story" about a woman who has it and it's in Oct./Nov. 2002, pg. 16. But there's also a feature story about fibro in Dec. 2002 on page 83. If you don't have these issues, I could make photocopies and mail them to you, if you like.

I finally feel like I'm perking up a little. I'm scheduled to have my last iron I.V. treatment this afternoon. I'll be seeing the doctor today and since I've been slow to respond to the therapy, he may tack on a couple more treatments. They've given me so much iron, I think I'm starting to get a tan from the inside out.

This week, I plan to continue with CTX UB and LL for endurance and PUB and PLB for strength. This seems to be working pretty well, although I'm still not back to my old self yet.

I saw an article in our local paper this morning about Gin Miller and the new trend she's introducing: ramping. Instead of using a step, you work out with a pie shaped ramp. Degree of incline is supposed to be adjustible based on your fitness level. Interesting.

Good Morning!

Gin Miller and ramping! I'll have to check that out! Sounds interesting and more than likely challenging. I keep picturing the Reebok Core board; I wonder what it looks like?

Last week started really great for me but by the weekend I was side tracked. I went shopping Friday evening to pick up goodies for my kids baskets and we stayed out a little too long! So I missed that workout. Saturday I worked, so no workout there, but that was planned. Sunday I was pooped and napped during my afternoon workout time. So nice of the kids to let me oversleep because we barely made it the my niece and nephew's Easter program.

Angela, glad you're keeping your sense of humor throughout your treatments. You're quite amazing!

I think I may need to do some true journaling versus just recording which workout I've done on my calendar. Since there's not much going on at work today I can put something together here.

This ecto is still having trouble with a pudgy stomach! x( I can't figure out what the trigger is but I did find a helpful article on ab training in an old issue of Oxygen magazine/July 2002. I will incorporate those moves into my schedule this week, possibly in the a.m. before work. Maybe some morning activities will give me the extra boost I need to reach my weekly goals. And this week my goal is to just get ALL of my workouts complete with 100% effort! :)

Will check in throughout the week (maybe even the day :+) for motivation - I'm sure I'll be needing it come Wednesday.

See Ya!
Sorry Angela, just read my post from last week and realized how incredibly vague it I'm not sick in the true sense of the word, but it feels that way. Yes...I'm pregnant(whew - I said it). And I have to admit that I am still having a tough time saying the P word, not that we don't love children, but I was mentally ready to hit the workouts really hard and I've always had 3 years or more in between children and this wasn't our plan. This was a BIG surprise. Our daughter Bethany looked perplexed when I told her and said "mom we already have a baby". Tell me something I don't know already Bethany!!!! We found a cute cartoon of 20 bunnies sitting in a little row boat and the bunny in front says "I'm only gonna say this one more time, our only chance for survival is self control". Hmmmmmm.

Well here's the scoop. I get intensely sick the for about a month (complete with IV therapies for dehydration) so in an effort to combat this situation, I'm trying to do a cardio blast added onto my heavy weight work to hopefully keep my system moving and move toxins out. So far I'm doing really well. I'm usually sick by now and I feel it currently, but it hasn't knocked me out like the other pregnancies. So I'm hoping for the best. I've spent the last week freezing meals for the family so they can pull them from the freezer when I become "incapacitated".

Angela, one interesting note. I have been taking mega doses of iron and B complex vitamins (and a product called Floradix which is supposed to be very absorbable in ones system). I have had so much energy for workouts and much more color in my face, I'm assuming due to the iron. I've felt like the energizer bunny, makes me wonder if I was lacking nutrients particularly iron. I realize this may change soon. I've done IMAX so many times in the past 3 weeks I'm amazed the baby hasn't shaken out.

Angie did you get my email? This week is more of the same, hopefully.
Monday - IMAX II, all upperbody and PUB abs
Tuesday - LL and PLB stability ball work
Wednesday - CTX all step, abs and upperbody heavy
Thursday - CK
Friday - IMAX I and legs S&H, PLB stability ball stuff and abs
Saturday - RS and Upperbody heavy with PUB abs
Sunday - Some kind of cardio, no plan yet, but probably IMAX

I REALLY wish Cathe would add another interval tape (like IMAX) to her summer plan. Do you guys know of a comparable tape to IMAX made by someone else. I'm a complete Cathe monogomist, but I wouldn't mind doing some other type of interval tape that would compare to this. I don't have MIC, and maybe I should pick this up, sounds like it's pretty intense.

Briee (the extremely fertile bunny)

;-) :)
Hi Briee!

Sorry I didn't get your email. The day that I requested jyour workout routine, I went to check my email and the box was beyond full! And full of crap! x( I get so tired of all the junk mail. The blocker doesn't do much of anything!x( x(

So if you don't mind, will you send it again. I've already checked, to be on the safe side and my inbox looks good! Try [email protected] or [email protected] (this is my work email). Either is fine!

Thanks for asking.
And by the way, I hope both of you feel better soon. Briee, how old is your little one now? This baby is coming for a reason! :7 Just think of all the additional giggling there'll be in your household :7 Hopefully your oldest will see the silver lining soon! She'll feel the excitement again once she feels this new sibling kick! :)

Lori - have you had your last treatment? Has your doctor decided whether or not to continue with the treatments? I'm glad you're here to keep this group together! :)

Speaking of the gang, where is everyone? Still hunting Easter eggs or feasting on the goodies? We have a sweet potato pie at the house (my favorite) and one of my coworkers brought in 3 pound cakes (another favorite)- plain, blueberry and butterscotch!:9 Now I don't eat a lot of sweets nor do I run and buy them, but I can never turn down my favorites when someone brings to me! :7 So let's say, I'll be doing plenty of cardio this week trying to burn off some of the extra calories that I'm sure to be taking in! }(

Talk with you all later,
Oh, Briee, I was confused too!!! LOL. Now it seems clearer. Congrats on the pregnancy! I'm sure the shock will pass soon. You're so fit. I was never an exerciser while pregnant, which I know added to the wt. gain and misery. You will do great, I'm sure. For interval workouts, I like Gin Miller's "Intense Moves" and Mindy Mylrea's "Interval Express". Mindy has a new one "Awesome Intervals", but I haven't tried it yet. HTH.

Angie, you may not believe this, but not one piece of Easter candy or sweets passed through these lips.:9 :9 I'm so proud, I had to brag. HAR!

Angela, I'm glad you're feeling perkier. I'm also plugging my ears re: the Gin Miller news......I do not need a ramp....I do not need a ramp..... ;-)

Julie! *waving like crazy*

Same thing for me as last week. Loving this series. It's all low-impact and my knees are loving me for it.:p

Have a great day!!!
Angie, I resent the email via your hotmail address. You should check with your server to see if you can get your email screened. We finally switched companies because we were sick of so much junkmail and some of it was really junkie. Now we only get personal mail and I'm very thankful.

Our daughter is VERY excited about having another baby, she just didn't think it was physically possible as hannah wasn't even one yet, we've always had lots of space between babies, but not this time. :) :)

Briee! Congratulations! I thought it sounded like you were pregnant, but I didn't want to assume too much. My personal belief is that God sometimes has plans for us that we don't see coming, but these things can end up being a wonderful blessing. I hope this pregnancy will go much smoother for you!

Angie, I wasn't kidding about tanning from the inside out. I'm normally very pale, but now there's a definite warmer glow to my skin - which isn't a bad thing! I asked the doc about it yesterday and he confirmed that having a lot of iron in your system would have that effect and that it was a good sign.

No further treatments were prescribed, but I have to go back to see him in a month to have the blood tested again. I guess if it's holding steady or getting better by that time - I'll be home free!
Angela, so are you getting a little more energy or don't you really notice yet. I've heard it takes a while to really feel the effects of iron. I would love that warm glow. I feel so pale now and I don't think it would be wise to use those self tanner's while pregnant, anyone know much about this?

Robin, thanks for the update on the video's, can you give me any detail as to how they compare to Cathe's, intensity wise, choreographically, musically etc.... I really am in need of a little variation with cardio. When I only did it 1-2 a week, it was never a problem, but I'm getting bored quick now!!!

Thanks so much!!

Hi Briee,

Yes, I've noticed a little bit of improvement in energy level. I can get through the day without feeling a desperate need for a nap! On the other hand, it sure hasn't been a dramatic turn around. I had another patient tell me after her third or fourth treatment she felt like a switch had been flipped and she felt *much* better.

The doc was disappointed to see my hemoglobin had gone down since last week, but he asked if I'd had a period and I had, so he attributes it to that. Evidently it doesn't take much to set you back.:eek:

Don't know what to tell you about self tanners while pregnant. Probably safest not to use them. However, I use a product I think would be safe called "Aerotan" that is an "instant temporary tanning spray." Sounds hokey but it works pretty well, doesn't interact with your skin and simply washes off. You can read about it here:


Oh how I WISH this was my 2,000 post! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know you are still a bit surprised about the whole thing but I just wanted to say how happy I am for you. God does have other plans at times for us, doesn't He? Hope you are feeling well real soon. I'd love to see a pix of you all some time. Keep me posted! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Briee!!!!!!!

Thanks so much Debbie, I actually wouldn't have minded waiting until your 2000 post (he he) maybe even you 4000 post, or your 6000 post, but God obviously wanted me to be pregnant on post 1696 so here I am pregnant "prepost 2000". I will try to take a digital picture sometime and email it to you, I can handle that, but putting it on a site is too much for me. So Debbie, do you have a little pregnant smiley guy that I can post next to my name??????

Angela, thanks for the info on that tanning product, I'm going to check into it. There are just some times that I would like to look a little tan and this might be the answer. I'm going to see if I can get it locally. You are a wealth of information and always seem to have the sites to go with it - I really appreciate this!!

All right, Briee!!!!!

Congratualtions!!!!!1:+ :* :D :eek: :) :7

We're having a baby!!!! I love those little things, especially when I can hand them off to someone else, so I can sleep. I'm so happy!

Angela! Thanks so so much for the articles. I'll check for back issues on those. You're a doll! Hope you get to drop the iron gig.

I'm hanging in here. Gonna call my Dr. and ask for regular sleep meds rather muscle relaxors. Yuk, those made me lethargic and edgy. Also they didn't stop after 8 hours.

So I'm doing PS this week and 3-4 intense 30 minute cardio sessions on Maribeth's advice.

Wow I'm way too excited now Briee!!!!

Julie:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
RE: All right, Briee!!!!!

Oh Briee!

How cute! I thought your daughter was maybe a little upset because of the attention factor. :eek: Never thought about it from a little person's point of view.... not realizing it was possible because there was a baby already in the house! :7

Guess you tell that I ONLY have teens in my household now! A baby? What's that! :+ I don't even volunteer to watch a child younger than 3! I've become too comfortable with little people who can at least talk and convey to me any probleme that they may have at the time. Gosh! Am I that old?! Eek!!

But Congratualtions are definitely in order! :0 Your two little ones will have each other to play, how sweet is that? :)

I'll check my email again but I haven't spotted it. What's the subject line?

RE: Hmmmm....

Oh Debbie, that's perfect, I tried to put it in my signature and all I get is a square box, is there something I'm not doing right? (here we go again - I couldn't be satisfied with three jumpimen). Oops nevermind....I just edited as I caught my mistake!!!!! Thanks Debbie!

Julie, now I know who to call when babies screaming at night - he he.

RE: BRIEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!...........

CONGRATULATIONS ! :7 :7 :7 :7 My youngest child (DD no 2) was born on your due date :7 (My due date was 15th December).

Good Luck with the pregnancy ! :D

Anna :)

PS: I would like to clarify that my orange smiley does not signify that I am pregnant (too late for that now, DH had the op !), it is me with PMS, and after drinking too much Guiness ;) !
RE: BRIEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!...........

Oh no Anna.....I didn't mean to steal your little fat smiley guy!!!! I forgot that you were using it. I will attempt to find another one if sorry. Any more ideas Debbie H????

Thanks for your note and I'm sure you look much fitter than the fat smiley guy!!! And your wonderful personality always shines through in your posts!!

RE: No ! Please Don't Apologise !

Briee, and Debbie,

Please continue to use Ms Orange Smiley :D She is so fitting for pregnancy, as much for that as PMS bloating, I figure she covers both womanly things ! :7
So, please continue to use her :)

Anna :)

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