Ectochicks 11/18


Welcome back, ladies!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Seeing the new pictures from Cathe made coming to work on a Monday worthwhile. I know you guys are as excited as I am! Which workouts are you ordering? I've asked Santa for the upper and lower body pyramids first - the bootcamp workout next, if he's feeling generous. Ha.

So what's on the agenda for this week? I'm on my second week of working each body part twice a week, once heavy and once light. It didn't sound so tough, but I've really been pushing myself and it's kickin' my behind.

I'm happy to say I successfully avoided my Mom's Italian Cream Cake **and** Heath Bar Ice Cream Pie over the weekend. One decandent dessert isn't enough with my family. Hey, I even helped cut and serve the cake and rinsed dinner dishes while everyone ate. Can't say I was happy about it, but hopefully the good attitude will come - one of these days!

Hi Angela!

Boy, I am so glad I am not a sweets fan! My only weakness is for Carrot cake, which I only seem to get at work and that's if the person/people who have birthdays for the month request it (hasn't happened lately :().

Good job on doing the dishes while everyone else overindulged!(Think of it that way) :) Just think of all the calories you saved! All the calories you didn't have to worry about burning off! :) See, you did a good thing for yourself!!

I went all out for a change - I ordered the whole set of VHS! I had to save but I did it! I thought about waiting but when I saw that the videos would be $25 each later, I figured for once I should splurge on me!

Okay, I decided over the weekend that I would add the PS series into my workout schedule. I haven't used this set in a while. So here's a look at this week:

Sun- PS/SLA, floor legs, did a warm-up set of squats first
Mon- Ropenastics or stepper
Tue- a.m. PS/CST, p.m. Speedwork with group
Wed- run, 2miles, pilate's
Thu- power yoga
Fri- run, 6 miles, PS/BBA
Sat- Leaner Legs, yoga

I plan to alternate my Saturdays between Leaner Legs and Power Hour. Once my vacation runs out I'll switch my long runs to Saturdays and Power Hour/Leaner legs to either Fridays or Sundays. But that's 6 weeks away, so I'll worry about that bridge when I get to it! :)

Hi Ladies,

I know I am not supposed to check in here, but (sigh) how I wish I was an ecto-chick ...:'(

anna :)
I am not entirely sure Krista, I think it is a small, framed lady who is lucky enough to be genetically slim, or has got there through hard (exercise) work, and clean eating. Maybe there is an ecto-chick waiting to burst out of me, somewhere under my flab ?!

Here's hoping !

Anna :)
Ectochick is slang for "ectomorph."

There are three generally recognized body types:

Ectomorph - small-boned, slim, often short-waisted with long limbs, has a hard time gaining muscle

Mesomorph - average build, athletic, gains muscle easily

Endomorph - large-boned, tendency to gain weight easily

Some folks are a combination of a couple of the above.

Here's a link to learn more, if you're interested:
Hi Anna,

We like to have visitors. I always enjoy reading your posts!

Keep in mind the "grass is always greener" mentality. Every body shape has it's good and bad points. Many of us ectos endured much humiliation growing up.

I agree, Anna, does have posts that bring a smile to our face.

And Angela is correct - we ectochick's suffered much name calling and humiliation growing up! I remember my mom having a difficult time finding clothes to fit me and her and her friends shaking their heads about my weight. My sisters were plenty healthy but here I was thin as string bean!

The grass is always greener! :)

Enjoy your evening!
Is it possible to be an "endomorphic ectomorph"? I've got long thin fingers and hands and tend towards a bony upper body, but have a more endomorphic bottom half (including big calves--though maybe they're mesomorphic).
Yes. Many people have characteristics of more than one body type. Some of our regular ectochick posters claim to have endo tendencies.
Hi Ectos, I have nothing to report today. What a wash this week has been. My children have had a TERRIBLE virus that consisted of a croupy cough (7month old scared me to death during the night), and other yucky stuff. I've been up for the fourth night straight and am praying for a peaceful night of sleep so that I can get up and do ANYTHING in the morning. I will probably start the week with a lower body workout since I only hit that once last week. Then I hope to alternate ctx upper, LL, PS all upper body split, and maybe one cardio. That's if the baby sleeps at night and if I don't catch IT. Sorry to complain here, it's been a rough week, but the Lord has a purpose in all this!!!

Anna, I just had to laugh when I read your post. Thanks I needed that. You are always welcome and we enjoy your posts.

Keep on eating clean guys....thanks giving is just around the corner. I don't have any idea what I'm going to fix for Thanksgiving. I started sticking to a mostly raw food diet a while back and I had my husband haul out the oven so nothing here to cook a turkey in. (actually we have a new unfinished home and the oven will need to be built into the island which isn't built yet, so this really isn't that extreme. But, we've lived without one for a five month's now). Lot's of Salads here. Any thanksgiving salad ideas????

Have a great week and stay healthy!!!

Oops forgot to report Angie, I ordered the whole intensity series on VHS and can't wait!!!! Aren't those pictures fantastic!!! We'll all have new rotations to post!!! I have a suger free carrot cake recipe that is really pretty good. We don't care for really sweet stuff either. It's made with some honey, but not a lot. We just made it for my 4 year olds birthday cake a week ago (in the toaster oven :) :) )

Hey, Guys! This week is:

Mon-Firm Vol 4/30 min treadmill intervals
Tues-Rhythmic Step/treadmill/Winsor Abs
Wed-Firm Total Body Shaping Mix/treadmill
Thurs-Interval Max/treadmill/Winsor Abs
Fri-Firm Vol 5
Sat-Firm Super Cardio Sculpt/Winsor Abs

Hey, Briee! Please post the sugar free carrot cake recipe. I LOVE sugar and I need alternatives. There are M&M's in the house and it's all I can do not to pour them down my throat!! AAAAAHHHH!!

Yes, some ectos can be a combo of ecto/endo. Ectomorphs have a hard time gaining muscle AND FAT. Since my early 30's I've been able to gain fat easily and that's an endo tendency. *crap!* :D

OK, on that note...have a great week!!!

Hi Angela,

I am honoured to be a visitor this week - I know the grass is always greener, but I can dream, can't I ? I am having a partiularly 'bad girl Anna, don't eat that, this week' kind of a week.
I know what you mean about humiliation, you either get it if you are too thin, or too large :-rollen ! Nobody can win.

Anna :)
Yes, ecto's sometimes I think we could re-titled ourselves "The Hard Gainers" more accurate, but not cute.

All this body type talk has me thinking, (oh, no). It's weird how big my shoulders are. No matter how small the rest of me gets they will stay a size 10-12. Does that make me an ecto-meso?

Hey, Robin, I was of course spying on your posts with Maribeth. And I'm wondering when she suggested the weight training with 6 heavy reps and then 12-15 (?) lighter reps, did you interpret her to mean "do those sets back to back"? Cuz what I've been pondering is doing S&H one part per day WITH PS corresponding part per day tacked on. So, day one (Back) would be S&H 8 heavy reps and PS Back workout 10-12 lighter reps, day 2 Chest etc. Is that what Maribeth meant, or was she meaning pyramid method where things would be commingled?

Has anyone this type of PS/SH one part per day before? Would this be "uncharted ecto territory"?

As for workout: S&H MWF+extra shoulders and calves on Sunday
T-TH-Sa 3 30 minute low instensity cardio sessions, yoga, pilates

I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THOSE NEW VIDS!!!!!!!!! I could just "kick-over and die" with glee!;-)

Hey Julie,

Have you read that book "Escape Your Shape" where the author talks about spoon, hourglass, ruler and cone body shapes? It's possible that you're a cone - someone who has naturally larger shoulders and broader chest, with narrower trunk and hips.

I'm a ruler. Chest, shoulders, waist, hips are all in fairly close range. Any extra weight shows up in the tummy and/or the rear end.

Just a thought....

Hi Briee!

Yes, do post the carrot cake recipe! Sounds delicious!

Julie - when I read the post from Maribeth (yes I was lurking too) :) I took it to mean that one workout that week was heavy weight training and later in the week you'd work the same bodyparts just lighter weights, higher reps. I think trying to do it all in one workout would be a bit much. Hopefully, we'll get an interpretation soon! :)

Talk with you later!
Hi Briee!

Yes, do post the carrot cake recipe! Sounds delicious!

Julie - when I read the post from Maribeth (yes I was lurking too) :) I took it to mean that one workout that week was heavy weight training and later in the week you'd work the same bodyparts just lighter weights, higher reps. I think trying to do it all in one workout would be a bit much. Hopefully, we'll get an interpretation soon! :)

Talk with you later!
Hi Briee!

Yes, do post the carrot cake recipe! Sounds delicious!

Julie - when I read the post from Maribeth (yes I was lurking too) :) I took it to mean that one workout that week was heavy weight training and later in the week you'd work the same bodyparts just lighter weights, higher reps. I think trying to do it all in one workout would be a bit much. Hopefully, we'll get an interpretation soon! :)

Talk with you later!
Oops! Sorry about the double post! I'm at the library - supposed to be home icing and elevating my foot! I think I have a bruised foot - definitely hope it's not a stress fracture. The throb must be getting to me.

I just came from the running store and the owner thought that was probably the problem. We talked shop and I promised to head home to nurse my foot. BUT... I had to run into Borders to grab some reading materials (was only in there 15 minutes), I already had the library returns in the car and it's on my way home, soooo....
But I'm heading out soon, so I can ice and hopefully run with my group that meets at the running store. Tuesday's is speedwork night. He recommended that I rest for a few days but I really enjoy training with them! :) I'll play it by ear.

Bye! Better get out of hear before I get chastised! :) :)

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